add and subtract one- and two-digit numbers, represent problems using number sentences and solve using part-part-whole reasoning and a variety of calculation strategies
- using the associative property of addition to assist with mental calculation by partitioning, rearranging and regrouping numbers using number knowledge, near doubles and bridging-to-10 strategies; for example, calculating 7 + 8 using 7 + (7 + 1) = (7 + 7) + 1, the associative property and near doubles; or calculating 7 + 8 using the associative property and bridging to 10: 7 + (3 + 5) = (7 + 3) + 5
- using strategies such as doubles, near doubles, part-part-whole knowledge to 10, bridging tens and partitioning to mentally solve problems involving two-digit numbers; for example, calculating 56 + 37 by thinking 5 tens and 3 tens is 8 tens, 6 + 7 = 6 + 4 + 3 is one 10 and 3, and so the result is 9 tens and 3, or 93
- representing addition and subtraction problems using a bar model and writing a number sentence, explaining how each number in the sentence is connected to the situation
- using mental strategies and informal written jottings to help keep track of the numbers when solving addition and subtraction problems involving two-digit numbers and recognising that zero added to a number leaves the number unchanged; for example, in calculating 34 + 20 = 54, 3 tens add 2 tens is 5 tens, which is 50, and 4 ones add zero ones is 4 ones, which is 4, so the result is 50 + 4 = 54
- using a physical or mental number line or hundreds chart to solve addition or subtraction problems by moving along or up and down in tens and ones; for example, solving the problem ‘I was given a $100 gift card for my birthday and spent $38 on a pair of shoes and $15 on a T-shirt. How much money do I have left on the card?’
- using Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ stories and dances to understand the balance and connection between addition and subtraction, representing relationships as number sentences
- Plus Plan
Daily Maths Problems - Year 2
A 44 slide editable PowerPoint template for problem solving in Mathematics.
- Plus Plan
Daily Problem-Solving - Multistep Word Problems for Year 2-3
Boost your students’ problem-solving skills with rigorous daily review of multi-step word problems for Years 2 and 3.
- Plus Plan
Double Bubble - Doubling Game
A fun, interactive maths game for students to play when doubling numbers from 1 to 12.
- Plus Plan
Doubles Leap Frog - Doubling Numbers Game
A fun game for students to play when doubling two digit numbers.
- Plus Plan
Double Plus One - Worksheet
A worksheet to help students demonstrate their understanding of near doubles.
- Plus Plan
Double Plus 1 – Game Boards
30 game boards to use when working with near doubles.
- Plus Plan
Double Plus One - Dice Roll Worksheet
A worksheet to help students demonstrate their understanding of near doubles.
- Plus Plan
Halve it or Double it! - Maths Game
A hands-on game to play when learning about connecting halving and doubling.
- Plus Plan
Double Minus One - Worksheet
A worksheet to help students demonstrate their understanding of near doubles.
- Plus Plan
Doubles - Number Facts Board Game
A fun hands-on game students can play to consolidate their knowledge of doubles.
- Plus Plan
Double Minus One - Dice Roll Worksheet
A worksheet to help students demonstrate their understanding of near doubles.
- Plus Plan
Double Minus 1 – Game Boards
30 game boards to use when working with near doubles.
- Plus Plan
Number Matching Puzzle - Addition
A hands-on game to play when learning about adding numbers.
- Plus Plan
Pandora's Party Palace Maths Activity – Lower Years
16 mathematics problem solving task cards involving money in a real-world context.
- Plus Plan
Near Doubles - Number Facts Board Game
A fun hands-on game students can play to consolidate their knowledge of near doubles.
- Plus Plan
Double Plus One - Grid Worksheet
A fun worksheet to help students demonstrate their understanding of near doubles.
- Plus Plan
Double Minus One - Grid Worksheet
A fun worksheet to help students demonstrate their understanding of near doubles.
- Plus Plan
Subtracting From 10 – Number Facts Board Game
A fun hands-on game students can play to consolidate their knowledge of subtracting from 10.
- Plus Plan
Making 10 – Number Facts Board Game
A fun hands-on game students can play to consolidate their knowledge of making 10.
- Plus Plan
Doubles Subtraction – Number Facts Board Game
A fun, hands-on game students can play to consolidate their knowledge of doubles subtraction.
- Plus Plan
Number Matching Puzzle - Subtraction
A hands-on game to play when learning about subtracting numbers.