Victorian Curriculum
multiply and divide by one-digit numbers using repeated addition, equal grouping, arrays and partitioning to support a variety of calculation strategies
- making and naming arrays and using bar models to solve simple multiplication or sharing problems; for example, making different arrays to represent 12 and naming them as ‘3 fours’, ‘2 sixes’, ‘4 threes’ and ‘6 twos’, using physical or virtual materials to make arrays or using bar models to demonstrate that ‘3 fours’ is equal to ‘4 threes’
- finding the total number represented in an array by partitioning the array using subitising and number facts; for example, describing how they determined the total number of dots arranged in a ‘3 fives’ array by saying, ‘I saw 2 fives, which is 10, and then 5 more, which makes 15’
- recognising problems that can be solved using division and identifying the difference between dividing a set of objects into 3 equal groups and dividing the same set of objects into groups of 3
- using a Think Board to solve partition and quotition division problems; for example, sharing a prize of $36 between 4 people, using materials, a diagram and skip counting to find the answer, and explaining whether the answer ‘9’ refers to people or dollars
- using materials or diagrams, and skip counting, to solve repeated equal-quantity multiplication problems; for example, writing a repeated addition number sentence and using skip counting to solve the problem ‘Four trays of biscuits with 6 on each tray – how many biscuits are there?’
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6 teaching resources for those 'aha' moments
- Â Plus Plan
Daily Maths Problems - Year 2
A 44 slide editable PowerPoint template for problem solving in Mathematics.
- Â Plus Plan
Multiplication Facts PowerPoint - Two Times Tables
A 30 slide PowerPoint to use when learning about multiplication.
- Â Plus Plan
Number Matching Puzzle - Multiplication
A hands-on game to play when learning about multiplying numbers.
- Â Plus Plan
Multiplication Facts PowerPoint - One Times Tables
A 30 slide PowerPoint to use when learning about multiplication.
- Â Plus Plan
Number Matching Puzzle - Division
A hands-on game to play when learning about dividing numbers.
- Â Plus Plan
Division Made Easy Poster
Division broken down using the subtraction strategy.