use mathematical modelling to solve practical problems involving additive and multiplicative situations, including money transactions; represent situations and choose calculation strategies; interpret and communicate solutions in terms of the context
- modelling practical problems by interpreting an everyday additive or multiplicative situation; for example, making a number of purchases at a store and deciding whether to use addition, subtraction, multiplication or division to solve the problem and justifying the choice of operation, such as ‘I used subtraction to solve this problem as I knew the total and one of the parts, so I needed to subtract to find the missing part’
- modelling and solving simple money problems involving whole dollar amounts with addition, subtraction, multiplication or division, for example, ‘If each member of our class contributes $5, how much money will we have in total?’
- modelling and solving practical problems such as deciding how many people should be in each team for a game or sports event, how many teams for a given game can be filled from a class, or how to share out some food or distribute money in whole dollar amounts, including deciding what to do if there is a remainder
- modelling and solving the problem ‘How many days are there left in this year?’ by using a calendar
- modelling problems involving equal grouping and sharing in Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander children’s instructive games; for example, in Yangamini from the Tiwi Peoples of Bathurst Island, representing relationships with a number sentence and interpreting and communicating solutions in terms of the context
- Plus Plan
Daily Maths Problems - Year 2
A 44 slide editable PowerPoint template for problem solving in Mathematics.
- Plus Plan
Double Bubble - Doubling Game
A fun, interactive maths game for students to play when doubling numbers from 1 to 12.
- Plus Plan
Doubles Leap Frog - Doubling Numbers Game
A fun game for students to play when doubling two digit numbers.
- Plus Plan
Multiplication Facts PowerPoint - Two Times Tables
A 30 slide PowerPoint to use when learning about multiplication.
- Plus Plan
Double Plus One - Worksheet
A worksheet to help students demonstrate their understanding of near doubles.
- Plus Plan
Double Plus 1 – Game Boards
30 game boards to use when working with near doubles.
- Plus Plan
Double Plus One - Dice Roll Worksheet
A worksheet to help students demonstrate their understanding of near doubles.
- Plus Plan
Number Matching Puzzle - Multiplication
A hands-on game to play when learning about multiplying numbers.
- Plus Plan
Halve it or Double it! - Maths Game
A hands-on game to play when learning about connecting halving and doubling.
- Plus Plan
Double Minus One - Worksheet
A worksheet to help students demonstrate their understanding of near doubles.
- Plus Plan
Doubles - Number Facts Board Game
A fun hands-on game students can play to consolidate their knowledge of doubles.
- Plus Plan
Double Minus One - Dice Roll Worksheet
A worksheet to help students demonstrate their understanding of near doubles.
- Plus Plan
Double Minus 1 – Game Boards
30 game boards to use when working with near doubles.
- Plus Plan
Number Matching Puzzle - Addition
A hands-on game to play when learning about adding numbers.
- Plus Plan
Pandora's Party Palace Maths Activity – Lower Years
16 mathematics problem solving task cards involving money in a real-world context.
- Plus Plan
Multiplication Facts PowerPoint - One Times Tables
A 30 slide PowerPoint to use when learning about multiplication.
- Plus Plan
Near Doubles - Number Facts Board Game
A fun hands-on game students can play to consolidate their knowledge of near doubles.
- Plus Plan
Double Plus One - Grid Worksheet
A fun worksheet to help students demonstrate their understanding of near doubles.
- Plus Plan
Double Minus One - Grid Worksheet
A fun worksheet to help students demonstrate their understanding of near doubles.
- Plus Plan
Number Matching Puzzle - Division
A hands-on game to play when learning about dividing numbers.
- Plus Plan
Division Made Easy Poster
Division broken down using the subtraction strategy.
- Plus Plan
Subtracting From 10 – Number Facts Board Game
A fun hands-on game students can play to consolidate their knowledge of subtracting from 10.
- Plus Plan
Making 10 – Number Facts Board Game
A fun hands-on game students can play to consolidate their knowledge of making 10.
- Plus Plan
Doubles Subtraction – Number Facts Board Game
A fun, hands-on game students can play to consolidate their knowledge of doubles subtraction.
- Plus Plan
Number Matching Puzzle - Subtraction
A hands-on game to play when learning about subtracting numbers.