Victorian Curriculum
locate positions in two-dimensional representations of a familiar space; move positions by following directions and pathways
- interpreting maps of familiar places and identifying the position of key features
- understanding that we use maps to receive and give directions and to describe place and spatial relationships between places
- using a classroom seating plan to locate a new seating position and giving directions to other classmates to find their seats
- following and creating movement instructions that need to be carried out to move through a 4 × 4 grid mat on the classroom floor or on a computer screen, for example, one forward, 2 to the right and one backwards and so on to reach a target square; or using a robotic toy to follow a path on a street scene on a floor mat, adjusting their instructions to the robot toy as they consider the order of their instructions, the direction and how far they want the toy to travel
- moving around a two-dimensional maze using directional language to describe turns and changes in direction, including saying, for example, ‘clockwise’, ‘anticlockwise’, ‘quarter turn to the left’ and ‘take the path to the right’
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