recall and demonstrate proficiency with multiplication facts for 3, 4, 5 and 10; extend and apply facts to develop the related division facts
- using concrete or virtual materials, groups and repeated addition to recognise patterns and establish the 3, 4, 5 and 10 multiplication facts; for example, using the language of ‘3 groups of 2 equals 6’ to develop into ‘3 twos are 6’ and extend to establish the 3 × 10 multiplication facts and related division facts
- recognising that when they multiply a number by 5, the resulting number will either end in a 5 or a zero; and using a calculator or spreadsheet to generate a list of the multiples of 5 to develop the multiplication and related division facts for fives
- practising calculating and deriving multiplication facts for 3, 4, 5 and 10, explaining and recalling the patterns in them and using them to derive related division facts
- systematically exploring algorithms used for repeated addition, comparing and describing what is happening, and using them to establish the multiplication facts for 3, 4, 5 and 10; for example, following the sequence of steps, the decisions being made and the resulting solution, recognising and generalising any emerging patterns
- Plus Plan
Multiplication Facts PowerPoint - Two Times Tables
A 30 slide PowerPoint to use when learning about multiplication.
- Plus Plan
Multiplication Facts PowerPoint - Ten Times Tables
A 30 slide PowerPoint to use when learning about multiplication.
- Plus Plan
Multiplication Facts PowerPoint - Three Times Tables
A 30 slide PowerPoint to use when learning about multiplication.
- Plus Plan
Multiplication Facts PowerPoint - Five Times Tables
A 30 slide PowerPoint to use when learning about multiplication.
- Plus Plan
Tolsby Frame Multiplication Facts Posters 1–12
Use these multiplication facts posters in the Ikea Tolsby frames.
- Plus Plan
Number Matching Puzzle - Multiplication
A hands-on game to play when learning about multiplying numbers.
- Plus Plan
Value Your Place Active Learning
A whole class active game that encourages learning through a physical setting.
- Plus Plan
Number Matching Puzzle - Division
A hands-on game to play when learning about dividing numbers.
- Plus Plan
Division Made Easy Poster
Division broken down using the subtraction strategy.
- Plus Plan
Musical Equations Active Learning
A whole class active game that encourages learning through a physical setting.