Victorian Curriculum
identify angles as measures of turn and use right angles as a reference to compare angles in everyday situations
- using quarter, half and three-quarter turns and comparing them to a right angle, for example, a quarter turn is the same as a right angle; a half a turn is greater than a right angle and is the same as 2 right angles; a three-quarter turn is greater than a right angle and is the same as 3 right angles
- recognising that right angles occur at the corners of many everyday objects, for example, books, windows, tabletops and whiteboards
- identifying angles that are bigger than, smaller than and the same as a right angle in the environment; for example, opening doors partially and fully and comparing the angles created to a right angle
- exploring Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander children’s instructive games to investigate angles as measures of turn, for example, in the game Waayin from the Datiwuy People in the northern part of the Northern Territory
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