Victorian Curriculum
interpret, compare and order numbers with more than 2 decimal places, including numbers greater than one, using place value understanding; represent these on a number line
- making models of decimals including tenths, hundredths and thousandths by subdividing materials or grids, and explaining the multiplicative relationship between consecutive places; for example, explaining that thousandths are 10 times smaller than hundredths, or writing numbers into a place value chart to compare and order them
- renaming decimals to assist with mental computation; for example, when asked to solve 0.6 ÷ 10 they rename 6 tenths as 60 hundredths and say, ‘If I divide 60 hundredths by 10, I get 6 hundredths’ and write 0.6 ÷ 10 = 0.06
- using a number line or number track to represent and locate decimals with varying numbers of decimal places and numbers greater than one and justifying the placement; for example, 2.335 is halfway between 2.33 and 2.34, that is, 2.33 < 2.335 < 2.34, and 5.283 is between 5.28 and 5.29 but closer to 5.28
- interpreting and comparing the digits in decimal measures, for example, the length or mass of animals or plants, such as a baby echidna weighing 1.78 kilograms and a platypus weighing 1.708 kilograms
- interpreting plans or diagrams showing length measures as decimals, placing the numbers into a decimal place value chart to connect the digits to their value
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