Victorian Curriculum
compare and order common unit fractions with the same and related denominators, including mixed numerals, applying knowledge of factors and multiples; represent these fractions on a number line
- using pattern blocks to represent equivalent fractions; selecting one block or a combination of blocks to represent one whole, and making a design with shapes; and recording the fractions to justify the total
- creating a fraction wall from paper tape to model and compare a range of different fractions with related denominators, and using the model to play fraction wall games
- connecting a fraction wall model and a number line model of fractions to say how they are the same and how they are different; for example, explaining 1/4 on a fraction wall represents the area of one-quarter of the whole, while on the number line 1/4 is identified as a point that is one-quarter of the distance between zero and one
- using an understanding of factors and multiples as well as equivalence to recognise efficient methods for the location of fractions with related denominators on parallel number lines; for example, explaining on parallel number lines that 2/10 is located at the same position on a parallel number line as 1/5 because 1/5 is equivalent to 2/10
- converting between mixed numerals and improper fractions to assist with locating them on a number line
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