Victorian Curriculum
solve problems involving division, choosing efficient mental and written strategies and using digital tools where appropriate; interpret any remainder according to the context and express results as a whole number, decimal or fraction
- interpreting and solving everyday division problems such as ‘How many buses are needed if there are 436 passengers and each bus carries 50 people?’, deciding whether to round up or down in order to accommodate the remainder and justifying choices
- solving division problems mentally, such as 72 divided by 9, 72 ÷ 9, by thinking, ‘How many nines make 72?’, □ x 9 = 72, or ‘Share 72 equally 9 ways’
- using the fact that equivalent division calculations result if both numbers are divided by the same factor
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3 teaching resources for those 'aha' moments
- Â Free Plan
What's Remaining? Division Board Game
A fun board game to play to when learning to solve division problems involving remainders.
- Â Plus Plan
Operation Domination Game
A fun game using addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
- Â Plus Plan
Division Made Easy Poster
Division broken down using the subtraction strategy.