Victorian Curriculum
follow a mathematical algorithm involving branching and repetition (iteration); create and use algorithms involving a sequence of steps and decisions and digital tools to experiment with factors, multiples and divisibility; identify, interpret and describe emerging patterns
- simulating a simple random walk
- manipulating sets of numbers using a given rule, for example, if a number is even, halve it; or if a number is odd, subtract 1 then halve it
- creating algorithms that use multiplication and division facts to determine if a number is a multiple or factor of another number; for example, using a flow chart that determines whether numbers are factors or multiples of other numbers using branching, such as yes/no decisions
- identifying lowest common multiples and highest common factors of pairs or triples of natural numbers; for example, the lowest common multiple of {6, 9} is 18, and the highest common factor is 3, and the lowest common multiple of {3, 4, 5} is 60 and the highest common factor is 1
- using the ‘fill down’ function of a spreadsheet and a multiplication formula to generate a sequence of numbers that represent the multiples of any number you enter into the cell, and describing and explaining the emerging patterns
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