Victorian Curriculum
apply knowledge of place value to add and subtract decimals, using digital tools where appropriate; use estimation and rounding to check the reasonableness of answers
- applying estimation strategies to addition and subtraction of decimals to at least thousandths before calculating answers or when a situation requires just an estimation
- applying whole-number strategies; for example, using basic facts, place value, partitioning and the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction, and properties of operations to develop meaningful mental strategies for addition and subtraction of decimal numbers to at least hundredths
- working additively with linear measurements expressed as decimals up to 2 and 3 decimal places; for example, calculating how far off the world record the athletes were at the last Olympic Games in the women’s long jump or shot-put and comparing school records to the Olympic records
- deciding to use a calculator as a calculation strategy for solving additive problems involving decimals that vary in their number of decimal places beyond hundredths; for example, 1.0 − 0.0035 or 2.345 + 1.4999
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