Victorian Curriculum
solve problems that require finding a familiar fraction, decimal or percentage of a quantity, including percentage discounts, choosing efficient calculation strategies with and without digital tools
- explaining how 1/3 of a quantity can be achieved by dividing by 3, and how knowledge of 1/3 of a quantity can be used to find 2/3 or 4/3 of the same quantity, using situations involving money, length, duration, mass or capacity
- investigating percentage discounts of 10%, 25% and 50% in an online toy sale, using their equivalent decimal representations of 0.10, 0.25 and 0.50 to calculate the amount of discount on sale items, with and without digital tools
- linking percentages to their decimal equivalent of tenths and hundredths and using these to determine percentage discounts; for example, finding a 30% discount by using its equivalence to 0.3, dividing by 10 and multiplying the result by 3 to give 30%
- explaining the equivalence between percentages and fractions, for example,33 1/3% and 1/3, keeping to percentages that are equivalent to fractions with small denominators such as 66 2/3% and 12.5%
- representing a situation with a mathematical expression, for example, numbers and symbols such as 1/4 × 24, that involves finding a familiar fraction or percentage of a quantity; and using mental strategies or a calculator and explaining the result in terms of the situation in question
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