Victorian Curriculum
compare the parallel cross-sections of objects and recognise their relationships to right prisms
- using objects made of foam or polystyrene, slicing along different cross-sections, and recording the different shapes of faces that result; and comparing cross-sections of different objects
- using different pieces of fruit, slicing across different cross-sections, and drawing the cross-section; and reporting back to the class the results of the investigation
- observing and drawing the shapes resulting from different ways of slicing through familiar objects; for example, slicing carrots at different angles or cutting through playdough models of objects; or using playdough models, fruit or similar to establish which objects can be cut in such a way that the cross-section will always be the same shape
- understanding that right prisms are objects where parallel cross-sections perpendicular to the base of the prism are the same shape and size
- connecting different right prisms to the shape of their parallel cross-sections, such as a triangular prism, which can be described as a stack of the same-sized triangles, and a cube or square prism, which can be described as a stack of the same-sized squares
- investigating the design of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ dwellings, exploring the relationship between the cross sections and the dwellings’ construction
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