Read texts with familiar structures and features, practising phrasing and fluency, and monitor meaning using concepts about print and emerging phonic, semantic, contextual and grammatical knowledge
- Plus Plan
Home Reading Journal - Purple
A journal for your students to keep track of their home reading.
- Plus Plan
Home Reading Journal - Green
A journal for your students to keep track of their home reading.
- Plus Plan
Class Reading Level Display 1-30 – Hot Air Balloons
A classroom display that allows students to see their current reading level and set their target reading level.
- Plus Plan
Reading at Night Certificate
Give positive feedback to your students for reading at night with this certificate.
- Plus Plan
Class Reading Level Display 1-30 - Beanstalk
A classroom display that allows students to see their current reading level and set their target reading level.
- Plus Plan
Home Reading Journal Template
A journal for your students to keep track of their home reading.
- Plus Plan
Class Reading Level Display A-Z
A classroom display that allows students to see their current reading level and set their target reading level.
- Plus Plan
My Reading Bookmark
Bookmarks to encourage your students to read on their own.
- Plus Plan
Literacy Tasks - Posters
5 Literacy Task posters and 1 Guide poster.
- Plus Plan
Class Reading Level Display 1-30
A classroom display that allows students to see their current reading level and set their target reading level.
- Plus Plan
Student Reading Chart
A chart to record the number of books your students have read.
- Plus Plan
Home Reading Journal - BW
A journal for your students to keep track of their home reading.
- Plus Plan
Home Reading Journal - Teal
A journal for your students to keep track of their home reading.
- Plus Plan
Home Reading Journal - Blue
A journal for your students to keep track of their home reading.