Recognise, model, read, write and order numbers to at least 100. Locate these numbers on a number line
- Free Plan
1–120 Number Charts With Missing Numbers
A set of 5 worksheets with missing numbers from 1–120.
- Plus Plan
Printable Maths Mats - Graphic Organisers
Practice working on specific math concepts with our set of 5 printable math graphic organisers.
- Plus Plan
Two-Digit Number Line - Differentiated Place Value Activities
Practise place value concepts, addition and subtraction, and using a number line with a differentiated place value activity.
- Plus Plan
Number and Place Value Worksheets - Year 1
8 number and place value worksheets linked to the Australian Curriculum.
- Free Plan
2-Digit Number of the Day Worksheet
A 2-digit place value worksheet to represent the number of the day in different ways.
- Plus Plan
Hundreds Boards with Missing Numbers - 1-100 and 101-200
A set of 12 hundreds boards worksheets with missing numbers.
- Plus Plan
Recognising Numbers 0 — 20 BINGO Game
Help your students identify numbers 0 - 20 with this printable Bingo game!
- Plus Plan
I Have, Who Has? Game – Place Value (2-Digit Numbers)
A whole-class game to consolidate students' understanding of place value.
- Plus Plan
Introduction to Number Lines PowerPoint
Introduce your students to the number line with an interactive teaching slide deck.
- Free Plan
Printable Number Line - 0-120
Create personal number lines for use in maths lessons with a printable blank number line template for numbers from 1-120.
- Plus Plan
Hundreds Place Value Number Expander Template
Explore expanding 3 digit numbers with your students using this number expander template.
- Plus Plan
Maths Warm Ups Interactive PowerPoint - Year 1
A PowerPoint providing a series of warm up activities for Year 1 students across the curriculum.
- Plus Plan
Numbers and Words 0-20 Word Search with Solution
A word search to help your students to learn the numbers and the spelling of their corresponding names.
- Plus Plan
Numbers and Words 0-10
Numerals 1-10 and their corresponding names.
- Plus Plan
Expanded Notation Dominoes (2-Digit Numbers)
Use this set of dominoes when learning how to match 2-digit numbers written in standard form and expanded form.
- Plus Plan
Number and Word Posters 0-99
Posters showing numbers and words from 0-99.
- Plus Plan
Number, Word and Picture Match-Up Worksheet
A worksheet to consolidate your students' understanding of words, numbers and pictures.
- Plus Plan
Numbers and Words 0-30 with Animal Values
Posters representing the numbers and words from 0-30 with different animals showing their values.
- Plus Plan
Number Talks - Target Number Task Cards
Build number sense skills with this set of 20 task cards.
- Plus Plan
Number Talks - Subitising Task Cards
Build number sense skills with this set of 30 subitising task cards.
- Plus Plan
Tens Numbers 10 - 100 Posters - Money, Tallies, Tens Frames and MAB Blocks (Australian Currency)
Posters showing numbers going up in tens from 10 - 100 with associated images.
- Plus Plan
Place Value - Bunting
A display bunting which can be used to practise Place Value from units to quadrillions.
- Plus Plan
Number Talks - Comparing Numbers Task Cards
Build number sense skills with this set of 24 task cards.
- Plus Plan
Counting to Twenty Poster - Colour - No Capitals
A poster showing numbers and words from one to twenty.
- Plus Plan
1-9 Number and Value Match-Up Worksheet
Match-up 1-9 numbers and words with this simple and easy to use worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Numbers 21 -130 Chart - Missing Numbers From 80
A numbers 21-130 chart with missing numbers from 80 to encourage your students to count beyond 100.
- Plus Plan
Numbers 21 -130 Chart - Missing Numbers
A 21-130 chart with missing numbers to encourage your students to count beyond 100.
- Plus Plan
Charts of Odd and Even Numbers Up to 500
Encourage your students to identify odd and even numbers with this set of number charts up to 500.
- Plus Plan
Counting to Twenty Poster - BW - No Capitals
A poster showing numbers and words from one to twenty.
- Plus Plan
0-20 Number and Word Posters - BW
Posters showing numbers and words from 0-20.
- Plus Plan
Number Grid Game
A number grid game to consolidate place value knowledge.
- Plus Plan
Number Charts and Number Finder
Number charts up to 1000 with a number finder template.