Visual Arts Practices
Select and apply visual conventions, materials, techniques, technologies and processes specific to different art forms when making artworks
- Plus Plan
'My Curious Mind' Growth Mindset Art Activity
A creative visual art activity, inspired by Professor Stephen Hawking, to use when learning about growth mindset.
- Plus Plan
International Dot Day Textured Mandala Template
Celebrate International Dot Day in style with a printable Dot Day Textured Mandala Template.
- Plus Plan
Balancing Act Activity
A fun art activity to explore positive and negative space.
- Plus Plan
Mix It Up Activity
A fun art activity to experiment with the use of specific colour schemes.
- Plus Plan
IMPRESSive Imprints Activity
A fun art activity to explore texture.
- Plus Plan
Plumping It Up Activity
A fun art activity to explore form in a two-dimensional work.
- Plus Plan
Masked in Mystery Activity
A fun art activity to explore shape through the creation of a mask.
- Plus Plan
Designing for Depth Drawing Templates
A fun art activity to explore the creation of depth in two-dimensional work.
- Plus Plan
Visual Arts Elements Resource Pack - Upper Years
A comprehensive pack of resources to use with the upper years when studying the elements of Visual Art.