Microsoft PowerPoint (.pptx) Teaching Resources
Microsoft PowerPoint (.pptx) teaching resources perfect for interactive classroom lessons that present new concepts to your students.
- Plus Plan
Living and Non-Living Things PowerPoint
A 9 slide editable PowerPoint template to use when teaching students about the concepts of living and non-living.
- Plus Plan
Pets and Their Needs PowerPoint
A 31 slide editable PowerPoint template to use when teaching students about the needs of living things.
- Plus Plan
Living Things Need Oxygen PowerPoint
An 11 slide editable PowerPoint template to use when teaching students why living things need oxygen.
- Plus Plan
Living Things Need Energy PowerPoint
A 10 slide editable PowerPoint template to use when teaching students why living things need energy.
- Plus Plan
Living Things Need Shelter PowerPoint
An 11 slide editable PowerPoint template to use when teaching students why living things need shelter.
- Plus Plan
Living Things Need Water PowerPoint
An 10 slide editable PowerPoint template to use when teaching students why living things need water.
- Plus Plan
Open-Ended Maths Problem Solving PowerPoint - Middle Primary
A PowerPoint with 20 open-ended problem solving questions covering a range of mathematical concepts.
- Plus Plan
Calculating Discounts PowerPoint
A 21 slide editable PowerPoint template to use when teaching discounts to your students.
- Plus Plan
Introducing Percentages PowerPoint
A 12 slide editable PowerPoint template to use when introducing percentages to your students.
- Plus Plan
Daily Maths Problems - Year 4
A 44 slide editable PowerPoint Template for problem solving in mathematics.
- Plus Plan
Exploring Procedural Texts PowerPoint
A 17 slide editable PowerPoint template to use when teaching your students about the structure and language features of procedural texts.
- Plus Plan
Writing Informative Texts PowerPoint
A 19 slide editable PowerPoint template to use when teaching your students about the structure and language features of informative texts.
- Plus Plan
Developing Informative Writing Skills PowerPoint
A 19 slide editable PowerPoint template to use when teaching your students about the structure and language features of informative texts.
- Plus Plan
Imaginative, Persuasive and Informative Paragraphs PowerPoint
A 22 slide editable PowerPoint Template to use when teaching your students about the structure of imaginative, persuasive and informative paragraphs.
- Plus Plan
Problem Solving PowerPoint - Lower Primary
A PowerPoint with 30 problem solving questions covering a range of mathematical concepts.
- Plus Plan
Silent Letters PowerPoint
A 24-slide editable PowerPoint template explaining the concept of silent letters.
- Plus Plan
Impacts of Floods PowerPoint
An editable PowerPoint teaching resource about floods and their impact on our communities.
- Plus Plan
Editing Passages PowerPoint - Year 4
A 42 slide editable PowerPoint template containing editing passages with answers.
- Plus Plan
Editing Passages PowerPoint - Year 2
A 42 slide editable PowerPoint template containing editing passages with answers.
- Plus Plan
Editing Passages PowerPoint - Year 1
A 42 slide editable PowerPoint template containing editing passages with answers.
- Plus Plan
Blue Lush Leaves Classroom Theme Pack
A comprehensive collection of blue lush leaves themed resources to refresh your classroom decor.
- Plus Plan
A Look Inside the Human Body Teaching Resource Pack
An extensive collection of teaching resources about the human body and the impacts of exercise and healthy eating.
- Plus Plan
Addition and Subtraction Strategies PowerPoints - Teaching Resource Pack
A collection of Teaching Presentations that explore strategies for the computation of addition and subtraction.
- Plus Plan
Genius Hour Teaching Resource Pack
Download the full collection of teaching resources to support facilitation of Teach Starter's six-step 'Genius Hour' inquiry-based learning process.
- Plus Plan
Block Beasties Classroom Theme Pack
An extensive collection of building block-themed resources to refresh your classroom decor.
- Plus Plan
Pineapples Classroom Theme Pack
An extensive collection of pineapple themed resources to refresh your classroom decor.
- Plus Plan
Cactus Classroom Theme Pack
An extensive collection of cactus-themed resources to refresh your classroom decor.
- Plus Plan
Visual Arts Elements Resource Pack - Upper Years
A comprehensive pack of resources to use with the upper years when studying the elements of Visual Art.
- Plus Plan
Halloween Teaching Resource Pack
Over 25 pages of classroom decorations and activities for Halloween.
- Plus Plan
Visual Arts Elements Resource Pack - Middle Years
A comprehensive pack of resources to use with the middle years when studying the elements of Visual Art.
- Plus Plan
Colourful Insects Classroom Theme Pack
An extensive collection of Colourful Insects-themed resources to refresh your classroom decor.
- Plus Plan
Tropical Paradise Classroom Theme Pack
An extensive collection of tropical paradise themed resources to refresh your classroom decor.