Addition and subtraction
- Plus Plan
Number Line 0-20 - Bees
A 0-20 number line with cute bees on it.
- Plus Plan
Simple Addition and Subtraction Questions
A sheet of simple addition and subtraction questions.
- Plus Plan
10 to 100 Two-Digit Plus One-Digit Addition Flashcards – Stars (Horizontal)
Ninety addition 10 to 100 two-digit plus one-digit addition flashcards.
- Plus Plan
10 -30 Addition Flashcards - Stars (Horizontal)
Flashcards with addition from 10-30.
- Plus Plan
Polygon Puzzles - Subtraction Worksheets with Answers
Line the sum up with the corresponding answer.
- Plus Plan
Subtraction Made Easy Poster
Subtraction using the count back strategy.
- Plus Plan
Multiplication and Addition Poster
This poster shows how multiplication and addition are connected... It's not so scary after all!
- Plus Plan
Operations of Four Maths Machine Worksheet
A worksheet to use when practising addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
- Plus Plan
Polygon Puzzles - Subtraction
A matching game that helps students to develop their subtraction skills.
- Plus Plan
Polygon Puzzles - Addition
A matching game that helps students to develop their addition skills.
- Plus Plan
Addition and Subtraction Fact Families PowerPoint
A 19 page editable PowerPoint to use in the classroom when introducing addition and subtraction fact families.
- Plus Plan
Split Strategy Addition Dominoes
A set of addition dominoes to use in the classroom when applying the split strategy.
- Plus Plan
Numeracy Working Mats
Numeracy working mats to explore place value, operations and fractions.
- Plus Plan
Friends of... 1 to 10 - BW
A set of 10 posters showing how different combinations of numbers connect to make the same number.
- Plus Plan
Parts of a Number Sentence (Addition and Subtraction) Posters
Two posters to display in the classroom explaining the elements of addition and subtraction number sentences.
- Plus Plan
Friends of... 1 to 10 Addition Poster
A set of 10 posters showing how different combinations of numbers connect to make the same number.
- Plus Plan
Fact Family Rocket Blast Off (Blank)
16 blank cards and a rocket game mat to demonstrate an understanding of addition and subtraction fact families.
- Plus Plan
Fact Family Rocket Blast Off (Middle)
16 cards and a rocket game mat to demonstrate an understanding of addition and subtraction fact families.
- Plus Plan
Fact Family Rocket Blast Off (Lower)
16 cards and a rocket game mat to demonstrate an understanding of addition and subtraction fact families.
- Plus Plan
Fact Family Find and Flip - Addition and Subtraction (Upper)
Addition and subtraction game cards demonstrating the relationship between fact families.
- Plus Plan
Fact Family Find and Flip - Addition and Subtraction (Middle)
Addition and subtraction game cards demonstrating the relationship between fact families.
- Plus Plan
Fact Family Find and Flip - Addition and Subtraction (Lower)
Addition and subtraction game cards demonstrating the relationship between fact families.
- Plus Plan
Number Talks - Three-Digit Addition Task Cards
Build number sense skills with this set of 24 task cards.
- Plus Plan
10 to 30 Two-Digit Addition Flashcards – Stars BW (Horizontal)
Sixty-three addition flashcards with two-digit numbers 10 to 30.
- Plus Plan
10 to 100 Two-Digit Plus One-Digit Addition Flashcards – Stars BW (Horizontal)
Ninety addition 10 to 100 two-digit plus one-digit addition flashcards.
- Plus Plan
Polygon Puzzles - Addition Worksheets with Answers
Line the sum up with the corresponding answer.
- Plus Plan
Maths Brain Teasers - Lower Grades
A set of 10 fun brain teasers for your students in lower grades.
- Plus Plan
Maths Brain Teasers – Middle Primary
A set of 10 fun brain teasers for your students in middle primary.
- Plus Plan
Number Talks Teaching Resource Pack - Grade 3
A collection of number talks teaching resources that support meaningful and highly engaging conversations in the mathematics classroom.
- Plus Plan
Maths Resource Packs for Parents - Addition and Subtraction
An extensive collection of resources for parents to help Key Stage 2 - Lower children with addition and subtraction.
- Plus Plan
Addition and Subtraction Strategies PowerPoints - Teaching Resource Pack
A collection of Teaching Presentations that explore strategies for the computation of addition and subtraction.
- Plus Plan
Active Learning Resource Pack
Twenty-two whole class or small group active games that encourage learning through a physical setting.