- Plus Plan
Mini Rainbow 0-30 Number Line Flags
Colourful flags displaying numbers 0-30.
- Plus Plan
Large Rainbow 0-10 Number Line Flags
Colourful flags displaying numbers 0-10.
- Plus Plan
Large Rainbow 0-30 Number Line Flags
Colourful flags displaying numbers 0-30.
- Plus Plan
Numeration Word Wall
A set of vocabulary cards for a numeration word wall.
- Plus Plan
Positional Language Spinner
Have fun using this spinner to reinforce understanding of positional language!
- Plus Plan
Vibrant Watercolour - Numbers 1 to 100 Chart
A vibrant watercolour themed hundreds board.
- Plus Plan
Zero to Thirty Posters
A set of posters showing numbers 0 - 30.
- Plus Plan
2D Shape Match
A fun match-up activity to consolidate your students’ knowledge of 2D shapes and their properties.
- Plus Plan
Spin and Sort – Heavier, Lighter, Same
An open-ended sorting activity based on using a spinner.
- Plus Plan
Spin and Sort – Longer, Shorter, Same
An open-ended sorting activity based on using a spinner.
- Plus Plan
Tens Frames – 0 To 10 Platypus Theme
0 to 10 tens frames including the numerical and written form of the number, along with its tens frame representation.
- Plus Plan
Units of Time Poster
A poster highlighting how we measure time in days, weeks, months and years.
- Plus Plan
Spin and Sort – More, Less, Same
An open-ended sorting activity based on using a spinner.
- Plus Plan
3D Popcorn Box Template
A geometry template for students to create a 3D popcorn box from a 2D net.
- Plus Plan
Train Car Card Game
Use the train and a deck of cards to consolidate students' knowledge of number sequencing.
- Plus Plan
Christmas Code Cracker Whole Class Game
A whole class game that consolidates your students’ knowledge with Christmas fun!
- Plus Plan
Maths Rotation Classroom Display
Guided maths classroom display to organise your classroom and their daily activities.
- Plus Plan
Comparing Numbers Board Game
A hands-on Board Game to practise comparing numbers less than ten.
- Plus Plan
Lady Beetle Adding Activity
A fun and simple adding activity to consolidate simple addition.
- Plus Plan
Shopping Trolley Match-Up Activity
A fun activity to be used to reinforce a variety of mathematical concepts.
- Plus Plan
Fish Number Line 0-100
0-100 displayed on a number line with a fish theme.
- Plus Plan
Picture Addition Worksheet
A worksheet consolidating students' understanding of combining groups of items.
- Plus Plan
Frog Number Lines 0-500
Set of number lines displayed with a frog theme.
- Plus Plan
Bee Number Line 0-120
0-100 displayed on a number line with a bee theme.
- Plus Plan
Subitising Small Collections PowerPoint
A 12 page editable PowerPoint presentation to use as part of a numeracy lesson when teaching subitising to younger students.
- Plus Plan
Counting Collections and Connecting Numbers PowerPoint
A 16 page editable PowerPoint presentation to use as part of a numeracy lesson when teaching place value to younger students.
- Plus Plan
Subitising Numbers to 10 Worksheet
A place value worksheet for students to use when subitising numbers to 10.
- Plus Plan
Numeracy Songs - "Five Currant Buns" Counting Activity
An activity to use in conjunction with the numeracy song, "Five Currant Buns".
- Plus Plan
Numeracy Songs - "Five Currant Buns" Poster
A poster to use in conjunction with numeracy songs.
- Plus Plan
Numeracy Songs - Speckled Frogs Game
A game to use in conjunction with numeracy songs.
- Plus Plan
Skip Counting Desk Number Line - Tens
An educational desk number line showing skip counting by tens.
- Plus Plan
Numeracy Songs - Speckled Frogs Poster
A poster to use in conjunction with numeracy songs.