- Plus Plan
Dan's Digital World Brochure and Worksheets
A set of maths questions relating to Dan's Digital World brochure, suitable for older grades.
- Plus Plan
What's it Worth? British Currency Game
Use this What's it Worth? game when learning about the value of coins.
- Plus Plan
Time Unit Conversions – Task Cards
A set of 12 task cards about converting units of time.
- Plus Plan
Time Teaching Resource Pack
A collection of resources exploring time concepts.
- Plus Plan
Applications of Time Unit Plan - Year 5 and Year 6
This Mathematics unit addresses the concepts of 12- and 24-hour time, timetables and timelines.
- Plus Plan
12- and 24-Hour Time
A 60 minute lesson in which students will understand the relationship between 12- and 24-hour time systems.
- Plus Plan
The Missing Mona Lisa – Chapter 6: Evidence and Opportunity
The Adventure Agents will begin bringing all the information from the witnesses and evidence together to start forming a picture of what happened on the night the Mona Lisa was stolen.
- Plus Plan
Developing Timetables
A 60 minute lesson in which students will develop a timetable of daily activities.
- Plus Plan
Reading Timetables
A 60 minute lesson in which students will read and interpret timetables and calculate elapsed time.
- Plus Plan
Reading and Constructing Timelines
A 60 minute lesson in which students will read, interpret and construct timelines.
- Plus Plan
Applications of Time Assessment - Year 5 and Year 6
- Plus Plan
Converting Time
A 60 minute lesson in which students will convert between 12- and 24-hour time systems.