Children use their phonic knowledge to write words in ways which match their spoken sounds. They also write some irregular common words. They write simple sentences which can be read by themselves and others. Some words are spelt correctly and others are phonetically plausible.
- Plus Plan
Movie Review Worksheet
A movie review worksheet for students to complete after watching a film.
- Plus Plan
Letter Dd - Alphabet Worksheet
An activity worksheet to use in the classroom when learning about phonics and the letter D.
- Plus Plan
Letter Cc - Alphabet Worksheet
An activity worksheet to use in the classroom when learning about phonics and the letter C.
- Plus Plan
Letter Bb - Alphabet Worksheet
An activity worksheet to use in the classroom when learning about phonics and the letter B.
- Plus Plan
Letter Aa - Alphabet Worksheet
An activity worksheet to use in the classroom when learning about phonics and the letter A.
- Plus Plan
Movie Character Study 3D Popcorn Box Template
A movie review activity that students can make into their own 3D popcorn box.
- Plus Plan
English Word Wall Poster
Use this Word Wall Poster to identify English vocabulary in your classroom.
- Plus Plan
Literacy Word Wall Poster
Use this Word Wall Poster to identify literacy vocabulary in your classroom.
- Plus Plan
Alphabet Bubbles
An alphabet activity using pictures and corresponding words.
- Plus Plan
Printable Personal Dictionary - 1 Letter Per Page
A printable booklet with pictures and sight words for students to create their own personal dictionary.
- Plus Plan
Printable Personal Dictionary - BW Version - 1 Letter Per Page
A printable booklet with pictures and sight words for students to create their own personal dictionary.
- Plus Plan
Solve and Shuffle - Ending Punctuation PowerPoint Game
An active PowerPoint game to practise ending punctuation.
- Plus Plan
Ie Diphthong Poster
A poster with examples of ie diphthongs
- Plus Plan
Ue Diphthong Poster
- Plus Plan
Qu Digraph Poster
A poster showing words and pictures for qu digraphs.
- Plus Plan
R Blend Word Wall Vocabulary
Forty-eight R blend vocabulary cards for a word wall.
- Plus Plan
Handwriting Hints Poster
A poster providing helpful hints to produce good handwriting.
- Plus Plan
Comic Strip Template
A template for students to write their own comic strip.
- Plus Plan
Book Study Template
A template for a basic book study for younger students.
- Plus Plan
Double Letter Cards
A resource to help students identify the double letters in the provided words.
- Plus Plan
Words I know Posters
Use these A3 posters around your classroom by adding new words as children learn them.
- Plus Plan
Rainbow Alphabet Words - Poster Wall
Use these A3 posters around your classroom by adding new words as children learn them.
- Plus Plan
Middle Sound Words - Sorting Task ('a' and 'o')
3 different sorting tasks to use with students when learning about the 'a' and 'o' middle sounds.
- Plus Plan
Gender Nouns Worksheets
Two worksheets for lower grades to use when learning about the gender of nouns.
- Plus Plan
Word of the Week Flip Book - Foundation
A 43 page flip book for introducing new vocabulary to foundation students.
- Plus Plan
Word of the Week PowerPoint - Foundation
A 40 slide PowerPoint Template for introducing new vocabulary to foundation students.
- Plus Plan
Book Week Border - Word Template
Create your own content with this Microsoft Word document Book Week themed page border.
- Plus Plan
Three Little Pigs Border - Word Template
Create your own content with this Microsoft Word document Three Little Pigs themed page border.
- Plus Plan
Ginger Bread Man Fairy Tale Border - Word Template
Create your own content with this Microsoft Word document Ginger Bread Man themed page border.
- Plus Plan
Little Red Riding Hood Fairy Tale Border - Word Template
Create your own content with this Microsoft Word document Little Red Riding Hood themed page border.
- Plus Plan
Fairy Tale Castle Border - Word Template
Create your own content with this Microsoft Word document Fairy Tale Castle themed page border.
- Plus Plan
Hansel & Gretel Fairy Tale Border - Word Template
Create your own content with this Microsoft Word document Hansel & Gretel themed page border.