- Plus Plan
Fairy Tales Text Type Poster With Annotations
A poster about fairy tales, including an annotated example.
- Plus Plan
Interview Text Type Poster With Annotations
A poster about interviews, including an annotated example.
- Plus Plan
Literary Recount Text Type Poster With Annotations
A poster about literary recounts, including an annotated example.
- Plus Plan
Discussion Text Type Poster With Annotations
A poster about discussions, including an annotated example.
- Plus Plan
Advertisement Text Type Poster With Annotations
A poster about advertisements, including an annotated example.
- Plus Plan
Wheely Wonderful Words – Overused Verbs
A word wheel of synonyms and similar words that could be used instead of some commonly overused verbs.
- Plus Plan
Writing Checklists - Various Genres
Use these Writing Checklists to ensure that your students have everything they need in their pieces of writing.
- Plus Plan
Successful Sentences – Sentence Construction Cards
Word cards for constructing complex sentences.
- Plus Plan
Wheely Wonderful Words – Overused Adjectives
A word wheel of synonyms and similar words that could be used instead of some commonly overused adjectives.
- Plus Plan
Writing An Informational Text Poster
Display this poster in your room as a visual reminder of the structure of an informational text.
- Plus Plan
Analysing Poetry PowerPoint
A 19 slide editable PowerPoint template the use when teaching students how to analyse poetry.
- Plus Plan
Persuade Me: Persuasive Writing Assessment Activities
A set of 4 persuasive writing assessment activities.
- Plus Plan
Sentence Saga Literacy Activity (Silly Sentences)
Words and punctuation marks are jumbled everywhere. It’s your task to combine them into sentences that make sense!
- Plus Plan
Writing a Simile Poem Worksheet
A 2 page worksheet for students to use when learning how to write a simile poem.
- Plus Plan
Alliteration Poster
A poster providing a definition and examples of alliteration.
- Plus Plan
Writing a Shape Poem Worksheet
A 2 page worksheet for students to use when learning how to write a shape poem.
- Plus Plan
Writing a Limerick Worksheet
A 2 page worksheet for students to use when learning how to write a limerick.
- Plus Plan
Writing a Haiku Poem Worksheet
A 2 page worksheet for students to use when learning how to write a haiku poem.
- Plus Plan
Writing an Autobiographical Poem Worksheet
A 2 page worksheet for students to use when learning how to write an autobiographical poem.
- Plus Plan
Writing an Ode Worksheet
A 2 page worksheet for students to use when learning how to write an ode.
- Plus Plan
Writing a Colour Poem Worksheet
A 2 page worksheet for students to use when learning how to write a colour poem.
- Plus Plan
Antonym Flashcards
19 flashcards to assist with your students' understanding of antonyms.
- Plus Plan
Writing a Cinquain Poem Worksheet
A 2 page worksheet for students to use when learning how to write a cinquain poem.
- Plus Plan
Writing a Ballad Worksheet
A 2 page worksheet for students to use when learning how to write a ballad.
- Plus Plan
Journalism and News - Lined Writing Paper
A journalism and news themed writing page.
- Plus Plan
Poetry Poster With Annotations
A poster about poetry, including an annotated example.
- Plus Plan
Forms of Poetry PowerPoint
A 28 slide editable PowerPoint template the use when introducing students to structured forms of poetry.
- Plus Plan
Editing Bookmarks
A clear and colourful editing checklist for students to refer to when proofreading their writing.
- Plus Plan
Story Boarding Template
A template for use when constructing story boards.
- Plus Plan
Interesting Idioms Worksheet
A worksheet using common idioms.
- Plus Plan
Punctuation Tracking Chart – Monster Theme
A classroom display that allows students to see their progress towards using correct grammar and punctuation in their sentences.
- Plus Plan
Persuasive Writing Checklist - Structure, Language and Features
A checklist for students to use when proofreading and editing their persuasive writing.