A sorting task to help students learn the difference between 2D shapes and 3D objects.
Use this teaching resource when identifying 2D shapes and 3D objects.
Students cut out each picture and paste them into the table under the correct heading.
A sorting task to help students learn the difference between 2D shapes and 3D objects.
Use this teaching resource when identifying 2D shapes and 3D objects.
Students cut out each picture and paste them into the table under the correct heading.
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Use these 2D shape puzzles to help familiarise your students with the most common two-dimensional shapes.
Use these 2D shapes flashcards to help familiarise your students with the most common two-dimensional shapes.
Use this 2D shapes worksheet to help your students identify 8 of the most common two-dimensional shapes.
Use knowledge of 2D shapes to colour in these Christmas-themed colour by shape worksheets.
Design Santa a new sleigh using 2D Shapes with a fun Christmas maths worksheet.
Go batty and identify the 2D shapes with a printable Halloween Shapes worksheet.
Don’t get too spooked while trying to identify 2D shapes with a printable Halloween Shapes Colour by Code worksheet!
Explore the properties of geometric shapes with this set of scaffolded tangram patterns task cards and cut-out tangram templates.
An interactive memory match-up game where students recall the names of shapes.
A set of puzzles that match up 2D shapes and their properties.
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