
BUMP! Contractions – Board Game

  • Updated

    Updated: 18 Aug 2021

A board game to practise making contractions using apostrophes.

  • Pages

    Pages: 7 Pages

  • Years

    Years: 2 - 4


BUMP! Contractions – Board Game

  • Updated

    Updated: 18 Aug 2021

A board game to practise making contractions using apostrophes.

  • Pages

    Pages: 7 Pages

  • Years

    Years: 2 - 4

A board game to practise making contractions using apostrophes.

Use this fun board game as a way for students to practise making contractions using apostrophes.

Students will make their way around the BUMP! game board, writing words as contractions. This game can be played using the dot cards included with the download or simply using a six-sided die – the choice is up to you!

Contractions Game

This game is a wonderful resource to reinforce the skill of writing words as a contraction!

A contraction is a shortened form of two words with an apostrophe taking the place of the omitted letter(s), e.g. do not = don’t. Once students learn where to put the apostrophe, contractions are a breeze! That’s where this resource comes in. It is the perfect addition to a literacy groups rotation to help your students get the hang of it.

The download comes with a complete set of instructions, a game board, an answer key, dot cards and a student recording sheet!

This resource was created by Lauren Piper, a Teach Starter Collaborator.


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BUMP! Contractions – Board Game