
Hamburger Paragraph Poster and Worksheet

  • Updated

    Updated: 21 Jul 2024

Teach your students how to correctly structure a paragraph using this hamburger-themed classroom poster and paragraph planning scaffold.

  • Pages

    Pages: 2 Pages

  • Curriculum
  • Years

    Years: 2 - 6


Hamburger Paragraph Poster and Worksheet

  • Updated

    Updated: 21 Jul 2024

Teach your students how to correctly structure a paragraph using this hamburger-themed classroom poster and paragraph planning scaffold.

  • Pages

    Pages: 2 Pages

  • Curriculum
  • Years

    Years: 2 - 6

Teach your students how to correctly structure a paragraph using this hamburger-themed classroom poster and paragraph planning scaffold.

How to Structure a Paragraph

Paragraphs are the building blocks of written texts. They structure ideas and information in a logical manner, supporting readers in following and comprehending the content. Concentrating on a single idea or topic in each paragraph allows readers to absorb information more easily and without confusion.

This burger-themed poster and planning template have been designed by the Teach Starter team to teach your students how to write well-structured paragraphs. No matter what content they are writing, your students are sure to write juicy paragraphs by following the hamburger structure analogy outlined in the resource.

Hamburger Paragraph Poster

The content on the poster is as follows:

  • Topic Sentence – This sentence tells the reader what the paragraph will be about.
  • Juicy Detail 1 – This sentence gives a specific detail about the topic.
  • Juicy Detail 2 – This sentence gives a second detail about the topic.
  • Juicy Detail 3 – This sentence gives a third detail about the topic.
  • Conclusion/Link – This sentence sums up the topic and links to the next parGBagraph.

Hamburger Paragraph Worksheet

The planning template contains boxes for students to record the following:

  • Topic Sentence
  • Juicy Detail 1
  • Juicy Detail 2
  • Juicy Detail 3
  • Conclusion/Link

How to Use This Hamburger Paragraph Worksheet 

Read on for some suggestions as to how you might shape a writing lesson around this paragraph worksheet.

  1. Poster Discussion – Highlight the key components of a paragraph using the poster. Discuss each component in detail, providing examples and encouraging students to ask questions.
  2. Topic Brainstorm – As a class, brainstorm some potential topics for a paragraph. This could be an imaginative paragraph, a persuasive paragraph or an informative paragraph. Vote on a topic to be the focus of the writing activity, or allow the students to choose a topic that they are familiar with or that interests them.
  3. Paragraph Planning – Hand out the hamburger paragraph worksheets to students. Have them work in small groups, pairs or individually to plan a paragraph based on the chosen topic. Emphasise the importance of planning a clear topic sentence, relevant supporting details and a concise concluding sentence.
  4. Paragraph Writing – In their workbooks, have students flesh out their plan to write a complete paragraph about their chosen topic.
  5. Review and Feedback – Collect and review the students’ paragraphs, providing constructive feedback. Use the poster as a reference to highlight strengths and areas for improvement in their writing.

Download This Hamburger Paragraph Poster

This resource downloads as either a full-colour or black-and-white PDF. Use the Download button to access your preferred file.

We recommend enlarging the poster for enhanced readability.

More Curriculum-Aligned Paragraph Writing Resources

Click below for more teacher-created resources to support your teaching of paragraph writing.

[resource:2705974] [resource:2708998] [resource:2698930]


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Hamburger Paragraph Poster and Worksheet