
Celebrations Around the World - PowerPoint

  • Updated

    Updated: 10 Mar 2021

A 28 slide editable PowerPoint Template to use when exploring the topic of celebrations.

  • Pages

    Pages: 28 Pages

  • Year

    Year: 3


Celebrations Around the World - PowerPoint

  • Updated

    Updated: 10 Mar 2021

A 28 slide editable PowerPoint Template to use when exploring the topic of celebrations.

  • Pages

    Pages: 28 Pages

  • Year

    Year: 3

A 28 slide editable PowerPoint Template to use when exploring the topic of celebrations.

Use this PowerPoint when teaching your students about celebrations and commemorations. The topics covered in this PowerPoint include:

  • personal, family and community celebrations
  • national days of celebration (Australia Day, Independence Day, Saint Patrick’s Day, Bastille Day)
  • Australian commemorations (ANZAC Day, National Sorry Day, NAIDOC Week, Remembrance Day)
  • religious and cultural celebrations.

This resource is best used in conjunction with the Celebrations Around The World Worksheet Pack.



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Celebrations Around the World - PowerPoint