
Coding Word Wall Definitions

  • Updated

    Updated: 21 Jul 2016

A set of definition word wall cards to display in your classroom when learning about computer coding.

  • Pages

    Pages: 9 Pages

  • Years

    Years: 5 - 6


Coding Word Wall Definitions

  • Updated

    Updated: 21 Jul 2016

A set of definition word wall cards to display in your classroom when learning about computer coding.

  • Pages

    Pages: 9 Pages

  • Years

    Years: 5 - 6

A set of definition word wall cards to display in your classroom when learning about computer coding.

This word wall defines the meaning for the following coding vocabulary words: algorithm, binary, bug, code, command, computational thinking, computer science, conditionals, crowdsource, open-source, data, debugging, event, for loop, while loop, function, parameter, program, programming, variable


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Coding Word Wall Definitions