
Colossal Cinemas: Which Flavour Will Be Popular? – Project

  • Updated

    Updated: 07 Jan 2020

A project where students get to design and write a persuasive advertisements for their own popcorn flavour and 3D popcorn container.

  • Pages

    Pages: 6 Pages

  • Curriculum
  • Years

    Years: 2 - 6


Colossal Cinemas: Which Flavour Will Be Popular? – Project

  • Updated

    Updated: 07 Jan 2020

A project where students get to design and write a persuasive advertisements for their own popcorn flavour and 3D popcorn container.

  • Pages

    Pages: 6 Pages

  • Curriculum
  • Years

    Years: 2 - 6

A project where students get to design and write a persuasive advertisements for their own popcorn flavour and 3D popcorn container.

Let’s go to Colossal Cinemas, the best cinema around!

This teaching resource is a project for students to get creative and think about what unique popcorn flavour they would like to engineer. Students will need to create a flavour, design a 3D container with the template provided and then create advertisement resources to promote and tempt the flavour to potential customers to make sure it is a huge success!

In this project students will develop skills to:

Check out our other related projects and resources in the Colossal Cinemas Resource Collection.


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Colossal Cinemas: Which Flavour Will Be Popular? – Project