
Earth Watch: Good Pet Care – Comprehension Worksheet

  • Updated

    Updated: 10 Dec 2019

A comprehension worksheet for an article about ways to keep our native animals and plants safe by being a good pet owner.

  • Pages

    Pages: 3 Pages

  • Curriculum

Earth Watch: Good Pet Care – Comprehension Worksheet

  • Updated

    Updated: 10 Dec 2019

A comprehension worksheet for an article about ways to keep our native animals and plants safe by being a good pet owner.

  • Pages

    Pages: 3 Pages

  • Curriculum

A comprehension worksheet for an article about ways to keep our native animals and plants safe by being a good pet owner.

This teaching resource is a comprehension worksheet asking questions about the magazine article Earth Watch: Good Pet Care.

In the text, students will learn about ways we can responsibly look after our pets and the consequences that we have learned from when people have not been so mindful of what their pets do or where they go.


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Earth Watch: Good Pet Care – Comprehension Worksheet