
Editable Vocabulary Flashcards

  • Updated

    Updated: 28 Feb 2020

A flashcard template to be used to develop the vocabulary of emergent writers.

  • Pages

    Pages: 2 Pages

  • Curriculum
  • Years

    Years: F - 1


Editable Vocabulary Flashcards

  • Updated

    Updated: 28 Feb 2020

A flashcard template to be used to develop the vocabulary of emergent writers.

  • Pages

    Pages: 2 Pages

  • Curriculum
  • Years

    Years: F - 1

A flashcard template to be used to develop the vocabulary of emergent writers.

Simply insert the photograph/clip art you wish to use into the frame, and type the word on the right side of the card. This template is the ideal teaching resource to use when encouraging early writing skills.

Scaffold children’s writing by providing the correct spelling of words they wish to use in their writing.

As a pre-writing hands-on activity, the cards could be used in conjunction with sets of magnetic letters/wooden letters. Students arrange the letters correctly by copying the card. Alternatively, students might make the letters out of modelling clay.

The editable aspect of the flashcards also provides the opportunity to explore environmental print. Copies of logos/brand names of products could be inserted into the frames.

When printing this resources, be sure to select ‘fit to page’.


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Editable Vocabulary Flashcards