
Flexible Seating Expectation Mini-Posters

  • Updated

    Updated: 22 Jul 2023

Remind your students of the expectations when using flexible seating in the classroom.

  • Pages

    Pages: 4 Pages


Flexible Seating Expectation Mini-Posters

  • Updated

    Updated: 22 Jul 2023

Remind your students of the expectations when using flexible seating in the classroom.

  • Pages

    Pages: 4 Pages

Remind your students of the expectations when using flexible seating in the classroom.

Print and display these expectations in your flexible seating classroom. The rules on each mini-poster include:

  • Choose a working spot that helps you to do your best.
  • Use all furniture and materials with care.
  • If a spot isn’t working for you, move without being asked.
  • Put materials back when you are finished with them.
  • Any teacher can move anyone at any time if they are not being respectful or responsible.

There are also blank templates for you to create your own flexible seating classroom rules. This teaching resource is also available to download as an editable Microsoft Word document.


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Flexible Seating Expectation Mini-Posters