A PowerPoint presentation featuring 21 jokes for kids.
Use this PowerPoint presentation as a fun ice-breaker activity or brain break.
A PowerPoint presentation featuring 21 jokes for kids.
Use this PowerPoint presentation as a fun ice-breaker activity or brain break.
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A 42 slide editable PowerPoint template containing editing passages with answers.
A 42 slide editable PowerPoint template containing editing passages with answers.
An editable PowerPoint teaching resource about floods and their impact on our communities.
A 24-slide editable PowerPoint template explaining the concept of silent letters.
A PowerPoint with 30 problem solving questions covering a range of mathematical concepts.
A 42 slide editable PowerPoint template containing editing passages with answers.
A 23 slide editable PowerPoint template which introduces the attributes of simple, compound and complex sentences.
A 42 slide editable PowerPoint template containing editing passages with answers.
A 19 slide editable PowerPoint template to use when teaching your students about the structure and language features of informative texts.
A 17 slide editable PowerPoint template to use when teaching your students about the structure and language features of procedural texts.
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