
Making Connections Grid

  • Updated

    Updated: 01 Sep 2021

A worksheet for students to practise making connections with a piece of text.

  • Pages

    Pages: 2 Pages

  • Curriculum
  • Years

    Years: 2 - 6


Making Connections Grid

  • Updated

    Updated: 01 Sep 2021

A worksheet for students to practise making connections with a piece of text.

  • Pages

    Pages: 2 Pages

  • Curriculum
  • Years

    Years: 2 - 6

A worksheet for students to practise making connections with a piece of text.

Making connections is a critical reading comprehension strategy that not only helps students make meaning of what they are reading, but also helps them engage more with the text itself.

Use this worksheet as a recording sheet for your students to note the different connections they make with a piece of text. Students will record a text quote or summary from a piece of text they are reading. Then they must note a text-to-self, text-to-text, and text-to-world connection they can make with their noted quote or summary.

Why not use the Making Connections Grid as a reading log for your students to complete each night when they read? They choose a quote from that night’s reading and fill in a line! It can also be filled out together as a class during a class read-aloud.

This resource was created by Madison Schmalz-Barrett, a Teach Starter Collaborator.


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Making Connections Grid