A set of multiplication and division facts flashcards for multiples of 11.
Print these flashcards and the stick the question and answer back to back.
Laminate them so they last longer.
A set of multiplication and division facts flashcards for multiples of 11.
Print these flashcards and the stick the question and answer back to back.
Laminate them so they last longer.
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The order of the numbers in the multiplication has been switched.
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4 mixed operations word problem worksheets with answers.
The Bar Model is a teaching and learning strategy for mathematical problem solving which can be applied to all operations.
An information sheet for parents or carers to use when assisting children with multiplication and division at home.
Twenty division and multiplication word problem cards for upper primary.
Twenty word problem cards for division and multiplication using numbers 0-50.
Twenty word problem cards for division and multiplication using numbers 0-50.
20 multiplication and division problem solving cards.
4 multiplication and division worksheets linked to the National Curriculum in England.
A set of maths mazes that allow students to demonstrate their knowledge of factors.
Build number sense skills with this set of 24 task cards.
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