3 pages of resources for students to practise predicting text.
- Poster with information about predicting a text
- Worksheet chart
- Book cover cards for predicting contents
3 pages of resources for students to practise predicting text.
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A comprehension activity about 'Why Our Bodies Need Water'.
A poster with examples of oi diphthongs
A poster showing students how to lay out a persuasive letter.
An educational poster showing students how to lay out a personal letter.
A set of five literacy rotation task cards to be used in conjunction with Issue 1 of Teach Starter's Year 1 magazine.
A set of reading activities that parents can use to educate children remotely or that teachers can send to students working at home when schools are closed.
A set of reading activities that parents can use to educate children remotely or that teachers can send to students working at home when schools are closed.
A set of age-appropriate Year 3 activities that parents can use to educate children remotely or that teachers can send to students working at home when schools are closed.
A project where students get to design and write a persuasive advertisements for their own popcorn flavour and 3D popcorn container.
Use this flip book template with your upper primary students when teaching about the features of literary characters.
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