A hands-on investigation task that allows students to work directly with the forces they have been learning.
Students will investigate and observe the concepts of buoyancy (floating) with this water investigation.
A hands-on investigation task that allows students to work directly with the forces they have been learning.
Students will investigate and observe the concepts of buoyancy (floating) with this water investigation.
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Teach your students information about the three basic types of rock with a set of printable Types of Rocks Anchor Charts.
Display this water cycle diagram when teaching about the continuous movement of water above and on the surface of the Earth.
Boost vocabulary skills and understanding with an illustrated water cycle word wall.
Use this set of posters with your space unit to teach about the individual planets.
Use these space vocabulary words and space terms to unlock the solar system for your primary students as they learn about space, the solar system, and the world far beyond your school.
An interactive classroom display where students update the clothes the character is wearing each day based on the weather.
This interactive weather activity will help you encourage pupils to become junior weather reporters!
A simple worksheet to explore your students' favourite season.
A teaching presentation exploring the seasons and how they affect everyday life.
A set of 12 vocabulary cards used to describe the weather.
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