
Read Along Pocket Chart Cards – Dr. Mae Jemison

  • Updated

    Updated: 28 Feb 2020

A set of pocket chart cards to use for reading and sight word practice.

  • Pages

    Pages: 6 Pages

  • Curriculum
  • Years

    Years: F - 1


Read Along Pocket Chart Cards – Dr. Mae Jemison

  • Updated

    Updated: 28 Feb 2020

A set of pocket chart cards to use for reading and sight word practice.

  • Pages

    Pages: 6 Pages

  • Curriculum
  • Years

    Years: F - 1

A set of pocket chart cards to use for reading and sight word practice.

Use this Teaching Resource as a read aloud during reading rotations.

Display the cards and pictures in a pocket chart and model read to the students. Throughout the week, continue reading with the students using the picture cards for a visual reference. At the end of the week, have the students read them independently.

For durability, print these on cardstock.

Ways to extend this resource:

  • Print on cardstock and put into a reading centre for students to practice reading and matching images to text.
  • Print a copy for each student, glue it into their reading journal, and have them read to an adult at home.


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Read Along Pocket Chart Cards – Dr. Mae Jemison