
Simple Sentence Dominoes (Version 3)

  • Updated

    Updated: 28 Feb 2020

A set of 30 dominoes to assist younger students with building simple sentences.

  • Pages

    Pages: 1 Page

  • Curriculum
  • Years

    Years: 1 - 2


Simple Sentence Dominoes (Version 3)

  • Updated

    Updated: 28 Feb 2020

A set of 30 dominoes to assist younger students with building simple sentences.

  • Pages

    Pages: 1 Page

  • Curriculum
  • Years

    Years: 1 - 2

A set of 30 dominoes to assist younger students with building simple sentences.

This interactive, hands-on activity is a fantastic way of introducing your students to the components of a simple sentence. Play the game as a whole class, or use for small group literacy rotations.

Students must match the dominoes with a sentence beginning to the dominoes with a sentence ending, making sure that the sentence created makes sense, e.g. I go to school, I love my family, Our dog is playful. For many of the dominoes, there is more than one possible answer.

A complete set of instructions is included within the teaching resource.


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Simple Sentence Dominoes (Version 3)