
Social Emotional Learning — Question of the Day Morning Starter Activities

  • Updated

    Updated: 31 Aug 2023

Download 180 days of morning starter activities to foster communication and positivity while building relationships in your classroom.

  • Pages

    Pages: 1 Page

  • Years

    Years: 1 - 6


Social Emotional Learning — Question of the Day Morning Starter Activities

  • Updated

    Updated: 31 Aug 2023

Download 180 days of morning starter activities to foster communication and positivity while building relationships in your classroom.

  • Pages

    Pages: 1 Page

  • Years

    Years: 1 - 6

Download 180 days of morning starter activities to foster communication and positivity while building relationships in your classroom.

Question of the Day for Primary School Children

Help your pupils build relationships with each other and promote an overall sense of community in the classroom with this resource! This slide deck contains a full year of daily morning starter activities, one for each day of the school year!

When ideating this resource, our teacher friends adamantly agreed that an entire year’s worth of morning starter activities would be an excellent addition to their teacher toolkit. We took that advice to heart and created a fantastic social-emotional slide deck!

We didn’t come up with 20 ideas, 50 ideas, or even 105 morning activity ideas. We put our teacher brains to work and created 180 different morning activity ideas and discussion prompts, enough for the whole school year!

Looking for Questions of the Day for Children?

This resource is structured with Monday through Friday slides, each with a simple yet thought-provoking prompt. The days of the week are themed as follows.

  • Mindset Monday — These morning prompts promote a growth mindset and goal setting.
  • Talkative Tuesday — These daily prompts encourage pupils to learn more about each other through talking about things they love and have in common.
  • Wacky Wednesday — These fun morning questions encourage pupils to use their imagination and verbal skills to engage in conversation.
  • Thoughtful Thursday — These conversations encourage deep thinking and reflection.
  • Feelings Friday — Each Friday morning question guides pupils into discussions about feelings, emotions and coping strategies.

Download and Go!

To use, all you need to do is click the download button to access this resource’s editable Google Slides or Powerpoint Slides version. Open the presentation to the day you need, and project it on a screen. Now your pupils can get to thinking as soon as they walk in the door!


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Social Emotional Learning — Question of the Day Morning Starter Activities