
Summarising a Story Flipbook

  • Updated

    Updated: 26 Feb 2021

A template for students to use when summarising a story.

  • Pages

    Pages: 1 Page

  • Years

    Years: 1 - 4


Summarising a Story Flipbook

  • Updated

    Updated: 26 Feb 2021

A template for students to use when summarising a story.

  • Pages

    Pages: 1 Page

  • Years

    Years: 1 - 4

A template for students to use when summarising a story.

Writing a story summary in a logical order is a skill that does not always come naturally to students. It is helpful for students to use a scaffold to plan their summary.

This resource adheres to the summarising strategy: Somebody, Wanted, But, So, Then.

  • Somebody: Who is the main character?
  • Wanted: What did the main character want?
  • But: What was the problem?
  • So: How was the problem solved?
  • Then: How did the story end?

After using this template to create their summary flipbook, students can then extend upon their ideas to write a more complex summary paragraph.

To use this resource, provide the students with both pages. Students cut along the dotted lines of the first page, and glue the left edges of the two pages together. This will create a flipbook for students to use for summarising.


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Summarising a Story Flipbook