
The Mini-Olympics – Whole Class Event

  • Updated

    Updated: 25 Jun 2021

A set of novelty event task cards that explain games to play with your class across multiple days.

  • Pages

    Pages: 8 Pages

  • Curriculum
  • Years

    Years: 2 - 6


The Mini-Olympics – Whole Class Event

  • Updated

    Updated: 25 Jun 2021

A set of novelty event task cards that explain games to play with your class across multiple days.

  • Pages

    Pages: 8 Pages

  • Curriculum
  • Years

    Years: 2 - 6

A set of novelty event task cards that explain games to play with your class across multiple days.

This resource is a perfect whole-class activity to play in the lead up to or during the Olympics. Use these activities for novelty events at your school’s sports carnivals.

How to Run a Mini-Olympics

Begin by dividing your class into five teams and assigning each team a colour. The students will participate in these teams for the duration of the games.

Hold an opening ceremony, a torch relay (make our Olympic Torch – Craft Activity beforehand) and sing the national anthem.

Display The Mini-Olympics Scoreboard (included in the resource) on a classroom wall.

During your daily P.E. session, hold one of the events and score it on the scoreboard accordingly. Events include:

  • Ultimate Skipping Challenge
  • The Riverbank
  • Bob Ball
  • Funky Field Events
  • Lava Floor Rescue

Novelty Games for Kids

There are five novelty style games included in this resource as well as a record sheet for the Funky Field Events. Each task card includes:

  • a list of the necessary equipment for the event (most of which can be found in the sports shed)
  • preparation tips
  • rules and instructions for the event.

Promote teamwork and good sportsmanship by rewarding teams who display these qualities with bonus points.


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The Mini-Olympics – Whole Class Event