Year 4 Teaching Resources
This collection of Year 4 worksheets, widgets and interactive resources has something for every learning area of the National Curriculum in lower key stage 2. There are Year 4 maths games, worksheets and digital tools that develop skills to solve a range of problems, including those with simple fractions and decimal place values. There are English PowerPoints, activities and scaffolds that develop knowledge and skills in reading about a wide range of subjects and consolidate writing skills, vocabulary, the grasp of sentence structure and so much more!
Teach Starter's Year 4 resources and activities have been specially designed for children aged eight to ten years. They contain layouts, visuals and elements that are appropriate for their level of development and appealing for children of that age while helping to consolidate their middle years learning and prepare them for the upper years.
- Plus Plan
Classroom Jobs Display
Keep track of classroom responsibilities with a Classroom Jobs Display!
- Free Plan
Funky Easter Bunny Craft Template
Download the famous Teach Starter funky Easter bunny template for a fun classroom Easter craft activity that features an Easter bunny with funky glasses.
- Free Plan
Behaviour Stamp Card – Right on Target!
Motivate your students to be on target with this stamp card template.
- Plus Plan
Addition and Subtraction Problem Solving Task Cards
Practice solving 1- and 2-step word problems by adding and subtracting 2-digit numbers with this set of 16 task cards.
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Properties of Solids, Liquids and Gases – Worksheet
A cut and paste activity that explores the properties of solids, liquids and gases.
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Koala Mindful Colouring Sheet
A koala mindful colouring in sheet.
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2D Shape Profiles – Template
A template that students use to demonstrate their ability to describe the features of 2D shapes.
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Year 4 Magazine – What's Buzzing? (Issue 3)
Issue 3 of our beautifully designed, 24-page reading magazine specifically designed for Year 4 students.
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The Bean Game
A fun active game to play at any time.
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Comical Chronicle Worksheets – Year 5
A set of 10 ad-lib style stories for students to complete.
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Super Six Reading Comprehension Strategies - Question Flashcards
A set of question cards to use when working with the Super Six reading comprehension strategies.
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Behaviour I Can and Can't Control Poster
A poster highlighting different aspects of behaviour and ways to handle them effectively.
- Plus Plan
Literacy Book Cover - Version 2
A Literacy book cover to use on your students' workbooks.
- Free Plan
Inspirational Women Profile Poster Pack
A set of 7 posters profiling inspirational women from around the world.
- Plus Plan
Informative Texts Writing Scaffold
A scaffolding sheet which can be used to write an informative text.
- Plus Plan
Narrative Sentence Starter Cards
Thirty sentence starter cards for narratives.
- Plus Plan
Exploring 5-Digit Place Value PowerPoint
A 38 slide PowerPoint template to use when exploring place value in the tens of thousands.
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Facts of the Matter PowerPoint Presentation
A 22 slide editable PowerPoint to use when teaching your students about the states of matter in Science.
- Plus Plan
Types of Graphs Posters with Labels
6 posters showing the features and examples of picture graphs, pie charts, line graphs, bar graphs, column graphs and histograms.
- Plus Plan
Telling the Time Poster
A poster to assist students in telling the time.
- Plus Plan
Spelling Display Banner
A classroom display banner to use on your 'Spelling' display board.
- Plus Plan
Visualise Poster
A poster highlighting how to visualise when reading a piece of text.
- Plus Plan
Seven Sensational Story Starters PowerPoint
A 10 slide editable PowerPoint template of story starters to use in narrative writing.
- Plus Plan
Building Resilience PowerPoint
A 29 slide editable PowerPoint to use in the classroom when learning about resilience.
- Plus Plan
Developing Narrative Writing Skills PowerPoint - Year 3 and Year 4
A 18 slide editable PowerPoint template to use when teaching your students about the structure and language features of narrative texts.
- Plus Plan
Writing An Information Report Poster
Display this poster in your room as a visual reminder of the structure of an information report.
- Plus Plan
Make it Fit! – Virtual Brainteasers
A Google Slides deck with 12 brainteasers students can do virtually.
- Free Plan
Narrative Plot Structure Story Mountain Template
Use a story mountain template to help your students write narrative texts.
- Plus Plan
Addition Counting Strategies Posters
A set of four posters with clear examples of counting strategies.
- Plus Plan
Funky Chalkboard - Title Poster
A funky chalkboard title poster.
- Plus Plan
Persuasive Topic Cards - Upper Primary
A set of persuasive topic cards for upper primary.
- Plus Plan
Modality Word Wall with Information
A set of 56 vocabulary words based on the degrees of modality in persuasive writing.