Put your hand up if you’re counting down until the end of the term? Keep your hand up if you need some hilarious teacher memes to get you there!?
The school year is nearly at an end. Whether you have two weeks to go or five – we’re here for you! You’re sure to be feeling the familiar end-of-term-feels.
You’re tired, your students are all hyper on end-of-year induced delirium, and you still have the last few pieces of assessment to mark so that you can finish your reports!
It can be difficult to stay on track and motivated when you and your colleagues are all dreaming about sleep-ins, HOT cups of coffee, and terrible day-time television (or is that just me?).
10 Teacher Memes to Get You to the End of Term
Well, never fear! We’ve decided to help you with that final push – by providing some entertainment in the form of inspirational and humorous images, of course!
It’s that time of the year where you might be questioning your life choices…
Surely a nice, quiet desk job isn’t the worst thing in the world…right?
And it’s entirely possible that you’re nearing the end of your tether…
You’re not sure how much longer you can take it.
We know you’re exhausted…
You’ve put your all into teaching this term, and even though the end is so near, it seems so far away!
But then you remember why you’re here!
You remember that you have a noble calling – you’re a teacher, after all!

You take the time to reflect on how lucky you have it.
You know, you’re a teacher. That’s kind of a big deal.
And yeah, you have lots of marking to do…
But you also get the opportunity to see how far your students have come!
Think of all you’ve achieved throughout the last year!
Your classroom is running like a well-oiled machine because you have spent So. Long. Teaching. Routines.
Make the most of your time with your students.
If you’re about to finish the school year, you’ll be saying goodbye to your students – they are sure to miss you! Appreciate the last few lessons you have with them.
So remember, stay strong!
Yes, it’s a hectic time of year – but there are so many positives to be found! You’ll be able to bask in the glory of a term well done, soon enough.
We hope we’ve helped make these last few weeks a bit more manageable! While you’re on holidays, check out our blog A School Teacher’s Holiday Told in Memes for some more meme-tastic entertainment!