Indoor Recess Activities Teaching Resources
Do you need indoor recess ideas to take the stress out of those days when rain or snow keep the kids indoors at playtime? This teacher-created collection of activities, games and more is ready to save the (rainy) day!
From movement games that give students a way to get their wiggles out in small indoor spaces to coloring pages, drawing challenges and partner activities, there's something for every grade level in elementary and middle school and an option to fit every kind of student!
And we didn't stop there! Read on for some indoor recess ideas from our teacher team!
Our Favorite Indoor Recess Ideas for Teachers
The wind is howling. The rain is falling. And you have a bunch of kids who are bouncing of the walls. What do you do when you've got recess duty, and the kids are stuck indoors?
Explore this collection of activities, and peruse this list from our teacher team, of course!
- Create a Board Game Center — Ask classroom parents, friends and neighbors if they have extra board games that they no longer use to build a board game center in your classroom where students can turn on thosedays when it's too cold or wet to go out for recess. The advantage of filling your center with used board games is that you lose a lot less when pieces go missing! One member of our teacher team suggests putting all game pieces in large zipper plastic bags so when board game boxes start to fall apart it's easier to keep all those small pieces together.
- Build a Coloring Station — Print out coloring pages, add some crayons, and you have a quiet space for the kids who like to spend their recess quietly reflecting. Did we mention coloring is meditative for many kids?
- Create a Tournament — Are you a chess or checkers player? If the weather indicates that recess will be indoors for a while, why not teach your students to play and issue a tournament challenge to pass the time day after day?
- Turn to YouTube — Find a favorite (educational) show on YouTube that students can watch together. There are some great science-based shows that even we enjoy watching as teachers!
- Play Trash-Ket Ball. Have students ball up pieces of paper for a trivia game of trash-ket ball. Check our site for trivia questions you can use, or create your own. Each time a student answers a trivia question correctly, they get to attempt to make a basket in your classroom trash can.
- Create a Giant Rock, Paper, Scissors Game. Set students up in a circle, and select one student to go around the circle and play each student. When they lose, they take the seat of whoever beat them. that person continues playing around the circle until they lose. The first person back to their seat wins the game.
- Create a Class Drum Circle. Want to incorporate some movement into the day? Aside from the movement games in this collection, we suggest a class drum circle using their desks!
- Make Indoor Recess Bags. There's something extra exciting about bringing a toy from home, so why not lean into that excitement for indoor recess? Send parents a note asking them to create small plastic zipper bags with (quiet) toys that students are allowed to bring to school and store in their desk or cubbies to play with on indoor recess days.
- Set Up STEM Stations. Give your students a chance to stretch their STEM muscles with engineering challenges on the days they can't head to the playground.
- Indoor Snowball Fight. Throwing things in the classroom will never not excite kids. Roll up socks or pieces of paper for a simple snowball fight that won't make (too much of) a mess.
- Free Plan
Last One Standing Active Game
An active game that allows students to build their vocabulary knowledge.
- Free Plan
Drama Game Task Cards
A set of 17 activity cards with instructions for drama games.
- Free Plan
Mini-Mystery – Who Stole the Cookie?
A fun, logic puzzle activity where students read clues to solve a mystery.
- Free Plan
Snakes and Ladders Game Board Template
Create a fun activity for any subject area with this black-and-white board game template.
- Plus Plan
Disappearing Snowman (Hangman Alternative)
Practice vocabulary and spelling skills with this interactive word guessing game.
- Free Plan
Finish the Drawing - Worksheets
Get creative and finish the drawings with a set of five art worksheets.
- Free Plan
Famous Artists Card Game for Kids
A set of 54 famous artist cards to be used for a variety of card games.
- Plus Plan
The Bean Game
A fun active game to play at any time.
- Free Plan
STEM Challenge Cards for 2nd, 3rd & 4th Grades
A set of 20 STEM challenge cards for students, suitable for kids in second through fourth grades.
- Free Plan
Color Me Carefully – Geometric Animals
Hone in on your students' speaking and listening skills with this barrier activity.
- Plus Plan
Verb Charades Active Game
Practice action verbs with this fun active charades game!
- Free Plan
Species Survival! Science Coloring Pages
Explore the importance of environmental conservation with a set of three inspirational quotes colouring pages.
- Plus Plan
Collaborative Art Project - Large Coloring Poster
Have some end of school year fun with giant coloring posters from Teach Starter!
- Plus Plan
Team Building Games – Upper Grades
Encourage communication and cooperation with this set of 10 team-building games.
- Free Plan
Finish the Picture - Drawing Worksheets
Spark creativity in the classroom with a pack of Finish the Drawing worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Chicken Evolution Active Game
A whole class active game that encourages cognitive processing skills, physical activity, and social skills.
- Plus Plan
Would You Rather...? Question Cards
Would You Rather use this set of 31 question cards or eat a can of worms?
- Plus Plan
Mindfulness Coloring Sheets - Portrait
A set of 3 mindfulness coloring sheets.
- Plus Plan
Printable Joke Cards for Kids
Print jokes for kids cards to use as an indoor recess activity.
- Plus Plan
I’m Done, Now What? Early Finisher Activity Board
Provide your early finishers with a fun activity choice board to answer the question: I’m Done, Now What?
- Plus Plan
Oink, Meow, Moo Icebreaker Game
Break the ice with your students on Day 1 with this silly movement game.
- Plus Plan
Basketball I Spy Worksheet
Have a bit of counting and coloring fun with a basketball worksheet for Kindergarten.
- Plus Plan
30 Mindful Drawing Tasks — Meditation Drawing for Kids
30 mindfulness drawing tasks to promote calm in your classroom.
- Plus Plan
Sloth Mindfulness Coloring Pages
Use these sloth-themed coloring pages to bring a bit of creative calm into the classroom.
- Plus Plan
The Lost Library Card – Whole Class Escape Game
Use inference and problem-solving skills to decipher the puzzles and uncover the hidden code.
- Free Plan
Battleship Coordinate Grid Game
Practice using ordered pairs with this fun battleship game.
- Plus Plan
Tangram Treats - Tangram Puzzles
Have fun learning about shapes with a set of 36 tangram task cards separated into three levels, along with two tangram cut-out templates.
- Plus Plan
Sports Maze Worksheets
Give your students a much-needed brain break with a set of printable Sports Mazes for kids!
- Plus Plan
Paris Landmarks – Mindfulness Coloring Pages
Use this set of mindfulness coloring pages of Paris landmarks to celebrate the magic of Paris during the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games.
- Plus Plan
Cooperation Puzzles - Team-Building Activity
Explore the benefits of cooperation with a tangram-style team-building activity.
- Plus Plan
Interactive Icebreaker Game
Looking for a fun interactive way for your students to get to know each other at the beginning of the school year? This is it!
- Plus Plan
Basketball Memory Game
Discover the game of basketball and boost vocabulary skills with a fun basketball-themed Memory game.