Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade 5 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies.
- Free Plan
Prefixes and Suffixes - Gallery Walk Activity
Get your students up and moving to learn about prefixes and suffixes with an engaging gallery walk activity.
- Free Plan
Prefix and Suffix Anchor Charts
Increase vocabulary skills with anchor charts about prefixes and suffixes.
- Free Plan
Finding Word Meaning In Context - Word Detective Worksheet
A teaching resource to help teach your students how to find word meaning in context.
- Free Plan
Prefix Worksheet: Un- and Dis-
Build vocabulary skills with a prefix worksheet featuring the prefixes Un- and Dis-.
- Plus Plan
Using Context Clues - Worksheet
A worksheet to practice using context clues.
- Plus Plan
Context Detectives Worksheet
A set of 3 worksheets for students to practice using context clues to identify the meaning of a word.
- Plus Plan
Greek and Latin Roots Practice Worksheet Bundle
Practice using vocabulary containing Greek roots and Latin roots with 24 weekly root word practice worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Context Clues Scoot Activity
Use context clues to determine the meaning of an unfamiliar word.
- Plus Plan
Dictionary Sorting Game
Get students in the habit of researching with our dictionary activity that helps learners match a word to its definition and part of speech.
- Free Plan
Presidential Oath of Office - Vocabulary Activity
Learn new vocabulary while studying the Presidential Oath of Office with this differentiated activity.
- Plus Plan
Word Of The Week Template
A word of the week template with a variety of tasks to give context and meaning to a word.
- Free Plan
Inspirational Woman Profile: Yuna Kim – Comprehension Worksheet
A comprehension task to use when learning about Yuna Kim.
- Plus Plan
Greek and Latin Roots - Word Tree Anchor Charts
Encourage vocabulary development with a set of 24 Greek and Latin Root Word Tree Anchor Charts.
- Plus Plan
Suffix Worksheet: -able
Transform your students’ vocabulary skills with our skill-building suffix worksheet, featuring the powerful “-able” suffix
- Plus Plan
Cause and Effect - Sentence Sort Worksheet
A worksheet and answer sheet to use when teaching students the cause and effect comprehension strategy.
- Plus Plan
Suffix Worksheet: -less
Build vocabulary skills with a suffix worksheet featuring the suffix -less.
- Plus Plan
Prefixes, Suffixes, and Roots - Dictionary Hunt Worksheet
Investigate the meanings of prefixes, suffixes, and root words with a dictionary hunt worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Dictionary Skills Worksheet Pack
Consolidate your students’ knowledge of dictionary skills with this complete worksheet pack!
- Plus Plan
Dictionary Skills Google Slides Interactive Activity
Practice dictionary skills with this engaging interactive activity.
- Plus Plan
Greek and Latin Roots- Vocabulary Notebook
Enhance vocabulary containing Greek and Latin roots with a Google Slides Interactive vocabulary notebook. Also available in print format.
- Plus Plan
Greek and Latin Roots Anchor Chart Pack
Encourage vocabulary development with a set of 24 Greek and Latin Roots anchor charts.
- Plus Plan
Multiple Meaning Word Puzzles
Match words to their many meanings using this set of 14 word + multiple definitions puzzle cards.
- Plus Plan
The Loudest Sound in the World – Comprehension Worksheet
A comprehension worksheet paired with a literary text about a princess who demands to hear the loudest sound in the world.
- Plus Plan
History of Halloween – Reading Comprehension Worksheet
Learn about the history of Halloween with a printable reading comprehension passage and questions.
- Free Plan
Inspirational Woman Profile: Brooke Boney – Comprehension Worksheet
A comprehension task to use when learning about Brooke Boney.
- Plus Plan
Suffix Worksheet: -ty and -ity
Practice using the suffixes -ty and -ity with a printable suffix worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Finding Word Meaning In Context - Prove Your Thinking Worksheet
A teaching resource to help teach your students how to find word meaning in context.
- Plus Plan
Cause and Effect - Comprehension Task
A task to use when teaching your students reading comprehension strategies.
- Plus Plan
Cause and Effect Matching Cards
A set of 24 cards that can be used to help consolidate students' knowledge of causes and effects.
- Plus Plan
Multiple Meanings Vocabulary Worksheet
A worksheet to use in the classroom when identifying multiple-meaning words.
- Plus Plan
Women In WWI – Reading Comprehension Worksheet
Read to learn about women in World War I with a printable reading passage and comprehension worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Grade 5 Magazine - What's Buzzing? (Issue 1)
A beautifully designed, 24-page reading magazine specifically designed for Grade 5 students.