With guidance and support from adults, use technology to produce and publish writing (using keyboarding skills) as well as to interact and collaborate with others.
- Free Plan
Inquiry Project - Template
A diverse template to help students craft inquiry questions to produce different types of research projects.
- Plus Plan
Animals That Adapt - Research Project & Report
Strengthen your students' understanding of conducting research with an Animal Adaptations research project.
- Plus Plan
Let's Research! Digital and Print Poster Project Templates
Conduct, organize, and display research about books, people, planets, animals, states, and countries with a versatile set of printable and digital poster templates.
- Plus Plan
Storytelling Finger Puppets Template
A set of 15 finger puppets that can be used to spark the imagination for creative writing or to perform puppet shows.
- Plus Plan
5 Research Report Prompt Stimulus Sheets
A set of 5 writing prompt stimulus sheets with a research focus.
- Plus Plan
Exploring Poetry - Year 3 and Year 4 Unit Plan
This English unit addresses common poetic devices such as sound play, word play and imagery and explores how these may be applied to narrative poetry.