English Language Arts Standards
- Plus Plan
Everyday Grammar Sentence Structure Warm-Ups – Grades 1 and 2 Interactive PowerPoint
An engaging 40 slide interactive PowerPoint to use in the lower grades classroom when learning about sentence structure.
- Plus Plan
Everyday Grammar Capitalization and Punctuation Warm-Ups – Grades 1 and 2 Interactive PowerPoint
An engaging 44-slide interactive PowerPoint to use in the lower grades when learning about capitalization and punctuation.
- Plus Plan
Parts of Speech Card Game – Lower Grades Classroom Game
A card game for nouns, verbs and adjectives.
- Plus Plan
Sentence Saga Literacy Activity (Silly Sentences)
A set of words and punctuation marks that are combined to make sentences.
- Plus Plan
Roll to Create a Treasure Map
A fun, hands-on activity using a die and a chart to create a treasure map, and then use it to write a procedural text.
- Plus Plan
Guided Reading Groups - Retelling a Text Template
Use this template during a guided reading session for a scaffold to help your students retell a text.
- Plus Plan
Readers' Theater Script - The Three Little Pigs
A readers’ theater script that can be used for reading fluency and expressive reading.
- Plus Plan
Thinking Hats for Effective Group Work
Thinking Hats based on Dr. Edward de Bono's teachings.
- Plus Plan
Readers' Theater Script - The Three Bears
Build reading fluency and expressive reading with this reader's theater script.
- Plus Plan
Readers' Theater Script - Solar Force Five
A script which can be used during readers' theater or Drama sessions, aimed at students 8 years and over.
- Plus Plan
Comprehension - Hare and The Tortoise
A fun script and set of questions to help students develop reading and comprehension strategies.
- Plus Plan
Comprehension Task Cards - Making Predictions
A set of comprehension task cards to help students make predictions when reading.
- Plus Plan
Comprehension Task Cards - Recognizing Cause And Effect
A set of comprehension task cards to help students recognize cause and effect when reading.
- Plus Plan
60 Comprehension Strategy Task Cards
A 144 page comprehension resource pack to help students apply comprehension strategies when reading.
- Plus Plan
Four Types of Sentences Poster Collection - Primary and Intermediate
Display these posters highlighting the four types of sentences and teach your students to use varied sentence types in their writing.
- Plus Plan
How to Wash Your Hands - Sequencing Cards
A set of 8 cards showing the steps for how to wash your hands properly
- Plus Plan
How to Make a PB and J Sandwich - Sequencing Cards
A set of 6 cards showing the steps to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
- Plus Plan
Narrative Setting Prompts Posters
A set of 2 posters giving ideas for the setting of a narrative.
- Plus Plan
Reading Detectives Resource Pack
A 16-page resource pack including 8 detective roles to assign to students during book clubs or reading group sessions.
- Plus Plan
Little Red Riding Hood – Comprehension Worksheet
Develop your students' reading comprehension skills with a well-known fairy tale.
- Plus Plan
How To Make Pancakes – Procedural Writing Activity
Get your students writing a procedure for their favorite breakfast foods with this example procedure text and writing scaffold.
- Plus Plan
Pencil-Themed Book Review Template and Poster
A fun pencil-themed poster with 3 book review templates.
- Plus Plan
Newspaper Themed - Book Report Template and Poster
A fun newspaper themed poster with 3 book report templates to use when responding to literature.
- Plus Plan
Detective-Themed Book Review Template and Poster
A fun detective-themed poster with 3 book review templates.
- Plus Plan
Bookworm-Themed Book Review Template and Poster
A fun bookworm-themed poster with 3 book review templates.
- Plus Plan
Procedure Writing Checklist
Now your students can make sure that they have everything they need in their procedure.
- Plus Plan
Reading Strategy Bookmark
Bookmarks to remind your students of the different reading strategies.
- Plus Plan
Collective Nouns Matchup Activity - Animals
A pack of 32 cards to use when learning about collective nouns.
- Plus Plan
Compare and Contrast - Venn Diagram Template
A template to use when teaching students how to compare and contrast.
- Plus Plan
Write a Shape Poem Worksheet
Set your students up for success when writing a concrete poem with this set of scaffolded, easy-to-follow worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Narrative Writing Pack
A narrative writing teaching pack containing 9 worksheets and posters.
- Plus Plan
Informative Writing - Animal Research Task
Use a printable animal research organizer booklet for students to record facts about animals when learning to write informative texts.