Extend the counting sequence
- Plus Plan
Counting to Twenty in Word Form - Poster
A poster showing numbers and words from 1–20.
- Plus Plan
Dot-to-Dot Drawing - Counting by 1 - Elephant
A dot-to-dot worksheet to practice counting to 100.
- Plus Plan
Dot-to-Dot Drawing - Counting by 1 - Dove
A dot-to-dot worksheet to practice counting to 100.
- Plus Plan
Numbers 21 -130 Chart - Missing Numbers From 80
A numbers 21-130 chart with missing numbers from 80 to encourage your students to count beyond 100.
- Plus Plan
Numbers 21 -130 Chart - Missing Numbers
A 21-130 chart with missing numbers to encourage your students to count beyond 100.
- Plus Plan
Numbers 21 -130 Chart
A number 21-130 chart to encourage your student to count beyond 100.
- Plus Plan
Dot-to-Dot Drawing - Counting by 1 - Caterpillar
A dot-to-dot worksheet to practice counting to 100 by 1's.
- Plus Plan
3-Digit Place Value Scavenger Hunt Worksheet
A fun, scavenger-hunt style worksheet to use in the classroom when exploring 3-digit place value.
- Plus Plan
Tens Number, Word, and Base-10 Block Posters
Posters showing numbers going up in tens.
- Plus Plan
Number and Word Posters 0-99
Posters showing numbers and words from 0-99.
- Plus Plan
I Have, Who Has? Game - Place Value (2-Digit Numbers)
A whole-class game to reinforce your students' understanding of place value.
- Plus Plan
Numbers 1–30: Standard, Word, and Ten Frame Matchup Cards
A set of matchup cards to practice representing the numbers 1–30.
- Plus Plan
Counting Collections and Connecting Numbers PowerPoint
A 16-page editable PowerPoint presentation to use as part of a counting lesson when teaching place value to younger students.
- Plus Plan
1 to 20 Parking Lot Number Match
A parking lot themed number matching activity to use in the classroom when identifying the numbers from 1 to 20 in word and standard form.
- Plus Plan
How Many Candles? - Birthday Cake Counting Activity
A fun, hands-on activity to practice one-to-one correspondence.
- Plus Plan
Number and Word Posters - 0–30
Posters showing 0–30 in standard and word form.
- Plus Plan
Alien Number Sequencing Cards - 1 to 20
A hands-on activity to practice number sequencing from 1 to 20.
- Plus Plan
Numbers 0–20 - Word Search
A word search to help your students to learn the word form for the numbers 0–20.
- Plus Plan
Writing Numbers 0–20 - Poster
A poster for students to reference when learning how to write the numbers 0–20.
- Plus Plan
Numbers in Our Environment - Recording Sheet
A worksheet for students to use when identifying numbers around the school grounds.
- Plus Plan
Black and White Number Board - 1-120
A black and white number board with numbers 1-120 that can be used for a variety of activities.
- Plus Plan
1-100 Number Flashcards Using Base 10 Blocks
Use these flashcards when learning about numbers and words.
- Plus Plan
100 Days of School Activity Book
A fun booklet of activities for students to complete on their 100th day of school.
- Plus Plan
0-20 Number Matching Game
Match different representations of numbers 0 to 20.
- Plus Plan
0–30 in Numbers and Words - Posters
Posters showing 0–30 in standard and word form.
- Plus Plan
Skip Counting by 2s Dominoes
A set of dominoes to use in the classroom when skip counting by 2s from 0 to 100.
- Plus Plan
September Homeschool Resource Pack - Grade 1
A collection of age-appropriate, Grade 1 teaching resources and activities for homeschool parents to use with their children during the month of September.
- Plus Plan
Exploring 2-Digit Place Value Unit Plan
This mathematics unit addresses a range of 2-digit place value number concepts involving identifying, sequencing, and representing.
- Plus Plan
Assessment - Representing 2-Digit Numbers
An assessment task in which students will demonstrate an understanding of 2-digit place value.
- Plus Plan
Number Sequences to 100
A 60-minute lesson in which students will sequence the numbers from 0 to 100.
- Plus Plan
Let's Count!
A 60-minute lesson in which students will identify and order numbers from 0 to 120.