Grade 4
- Plus Plan
Subtracting Fractions With Like Denominators Teaching Slides
Teach your students how to subtract fractions with like denominators using a variety of strategies with this comprehensive slide deck.
- Plus Plan
Subtracting Fractions With Like Denominators Task Cards
Get your students subtracting fractions with like denominators using this set of task cards focusing on a variety of strategies.
- Plus Plan
Adding Fractions With Like Denominators Task Cards
Get your students adding fractions with like denominators using this set of task cards focusing on a variety of strategies.
- Free Plan
Muscular System Word Wall Vocabulary
Learn about the vocabulary related to the human muscular system with a printable science word wall.
- Plus Plan
Tick Tock Time Conversion Task Cards
Review how to convert units of time with a pack of printable time conversion task cards.
- Plus Plan
Comprehension Task Cards Summarizing
Practice summarizing text with this set of event-specific task cards.
- Plus Plan
Time Conversion Math Maze Worksheets
Convert units of time while finding your way through this set of 3 Time Conversion math mazes.
- Plus Plan
Measurement Conversion Worksheets - Units of Time
Use a set of printable measurement conversion worksheets to practice converting units of time.
- Plus Plan
Converting Units of Time Test Pack
Assess your students’ abilities to convert units of time with a set of differentiated time conversion tests.
- Plus Plan
Elapsed Time Printables (Digital Clocks)
Download a pack of differentiated Elapsed Time worksheets to help your students practice finding elapsed time using digital clocks.
- Plus Plan
Reading a Calendar Worksheets
Practice reading a calendar with a pack of printable monthly Calendar Worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Converting Units of Time Match-Up Game
Convert time units, including seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, and months by completing a match-up activity.
- Plus Plan
Differentiated Elapsed Time Worksheets for Beginners
Download a pack of differentiated Elapsed Time worksheets to help your students learn to calculate elapsed time in hours, half hours, and minutes.
- Plus Plan
Converting Time - Worksheet Pack
Download a set of Time Conversion printable worksheets to help your students convert between minutes, hours, days and weeks.
- Plus Plan
Elapsed Time Anchor Chart - Strategies
Teach your students how to tell elapsed time with multiple strategies using a printable Elapsed Time Anchor Chart.
- Plus Plan
Fennec Fox Adaptations - Close Reading Worksheets
Read and learn about Fennec Fox adaptations with a set of printable Reading Comprehension Worksheets for 5th grade.
- Plus Plan
Converting Time Word Problems Worksheets
Develop problem solving skills set of printable multi-step time conversion worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Comparing and Ordering Decimals Interactive Activity
Get students to compare and order decimals this grocery-themed interactive digital resource, perfect for lesson introductions and wrap-ups.
- Plus Plan
4th Grade Elapsed Time Word Problems - Task Cards
Solve different types of elapsed time word problems with a set of printable 4th-grade Elapsed Time Task Cards.
- Plus Plan
Time and Elapsed Time - Task Cards
Solve a variety of time and elapsed time problems with a set of Elapsed Time to the Hour and Half-Hour task cards.
- Plus Plan
Elapsed Time Interactive Word Problems Game
Practice solving elapsed time word problems with an interactive quiz game for 3rd and 4th graders.
- Plus Plan
Rainforest Bird Craft & Writing Template
Pair a fun bird craft and informational writing to create a fun jungle-themed bulletin board.
- Plus Plan
Elapsed Time Number Search Worksheets
Review how to find elapsed time and practice learned skills with engaging Elapsed Time Number Search worksheets!
- Plus Plan
Tenths and Hundredths as Decimals Worksheet Pack
Get your students representing tenths and hundredths as decimals using concrete models, visual models and money with this set of 4th grade math worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Figuring Elapsed Time - Interactive Game
Determine the elapsed time between events and have fun with an interactive Elapsed Time game.
- Plus Plan
Elapsed Time Word Problems - Worksheets
Solve elapsed time word problems and build telling time skills with printable time and elapsed time worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Elapsed Time Riddle Worksheets
Calculate elapsed time to solve the riddles in this printable pack of elapsed time worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Elapsed Time Trivia Game
Play an interactive Math game show to practice telling time and calculating elapsed time.
- Plus Plan
Summarizing Teaching Slides
Teach students all about summarizing with 15 teaching slides of summarizing goodness.
- Plus Plan
Modal Language Sorting Activity
Explore examples of modal language with your students using this set of 24 sorting cards perfect for your persuasive writing unit.
- Plus Plan
Modal Language Interactive Activity
Explore the language of modality with your students using this digital game perfect for your persuasive writing lessons.
- Plus Plan
#SUMitUP Summarizing Activity
Summarize fictional text through this whole-class station activity.