Grade 4
- Free Plan
Poetry Terms - Word Wall Display
Display and discuss terms related to poetry and figurative language with a set of 30 word wall cards.
- Plus Plan
Types of Poems - Instructional PowerPoint
A 28 slide editable PowerPoint template the use when introducing students to structured forms of poetry.
- Plus Plan
Prime and Composite Numbers Poster Pack
Distinguish between prime and composite numbers with this set of different rainbow-themed math posters.
- Free Plan
Prime and Composite Number Sort
Identify prime and composite numbers by sorting 30 number cards into their proper category.
- Plus Plan
Rounding Numbers – Math Mazes
Round numbers to various places while finding your way through this set of 5 math mazes.
- Plus Plan
Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying, and Dividing Fractions Anchor Charts
Display these fractions anchor charts in your classroom to remind your students how to perform operations with like and unlike fractions.
- Plus Plan
Simple, Compound, and Complex Sentences PowerPoint
A 23-slide editable PowerPoint template that introduces simple, compound, and complex sentences.
- Plus Plan
Customary Units of Measurement – Poster Pack
Use this set of customary conversion posters when learning about units of length, weight, and capacity.
- Plus Plan
Metric Units of Measurement – Poster Pack
Use this set of metric conversion posters when learning about units of length, weight, and capacity.
- Plus Plan
Fall Color by Part of Speech - Nouns and Verbs Worksheet
Use this fall color by part of speech worksheet to review nouns and verbs.
- Plus Plan
Fall Task Cards - Factor Pairs
List the factor pairs of each product card with this fall math center.
- Plus Plan
Checks and Balances - RACES Writing Prompt Worksheet
Practice using the RACES writing strategy and unravel the mysteries of the U.S. Government system of checks and balances with a passage, organizer, and prompt.
- Plus Plan
Subject-Verb Agreement Digital Learning Activity
Improve sentence structure and grammar skills with a Google Interactive resource that focuses on a range of subject-verb agreement rules.
- Plus Plan
Singular/Plural Subject Verb Agreement Google Slides Interactive Activity
Improve sentence structure and grammar skills with a Google Interactive resource that focuses on singular and plural subject-verb agreement.
- Plus Plan
Adverbs Scoot
Build vocabulary and grammar skills with a game of Comparative and Superlative Adverbs SCOOT!
- Plus Plan
Simple, Compound, and Complex Sentences Sort
Practice reading, identifying, and writing simple, compound, and complex sentences with a sorting activity.
- Plus Plan
Irregular Plural Noun Match-Up
Practice using irregular plural nouns with an Irregular Plural Noun Matching Activity.
- Plus Plan
Writing Out Loud: Dialogue Punctuation Worksheet
Practice using quotation marks in writing with a Punctuating Dialogue worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Singular and Plural-Subject-Verb Agreement Worksheet
Provide students with additional grammar practice with a worksheet focusing on singular and plural subject-verb agreement.
- Plus Plan
Multisyllable Words Google Interactive
Build multisyllable word decoding skills with upper-grade students with a Google Slides interactive activity.
- Plus Plan
Comma Task Cards - Grades 4-6
Practice correct comma placement in dates, series, and compound and complex sentences.
- Plus Plan
Reading Comprehension Worksheets-King Midas and the Golden Touch Google Interactive and Printable Resources
Review and practice multiple reading skills using the text “King Midas and the Golden Touch” with these digital and print resources.
- Plus Plan
Weekly Spelling Homework-Year-Long Spelling Worksheets
Practice weekly spelling words to strengthen letter-sound recognition, alphabetization, and sentence writing skills with 36 weeks of worksheets.
- Free Plan
My Research Project - Pennant Banner
Create a pennant banner for students to record and display their biography research.
- Plus Plan
Wheely Wonderful Words – Overused Adjectives
Banish overused adjectives with a handy adjective-synonym word wheel!
- Plus Plan
Color by Number - Multiplication Facts of 3
Get your students practicing their facts of 3 with this color by number worksheet.
- Plus Plan
The Wacky Professor's Treasure - Mini Escape Room Activity
A mini escape room activity that allows students to complete grammar tasks, while working together to solve a riddle!
- Plus Plan
Draw a Town with 2D Shapes
An interactive and evolving resource where students draw 2D shapes incrementally to create a town 3D map.
- Plus Plan
Poetry Task Cards
A set of 20 task cards to practice different elements of peotry.
- Plus Plan
Writing With Alliteration Worksheet
Identify and create alliteration patterns in texts.
- Plus Plan
Subject Verb Agreement Dice Game
A dice game for pairs of students to help practice subject verb agreement and sentence writing.
- Plus Plan
Find Four Icebreaker Activity
A fun icebreaker activity to use at the beginning of a new school year.